Two were arrested this morning after an incident involving a stolen vehicle. According to Detective Robert Rebello, at approximately 3:25 a.m., Officer Jeremy Dellecese, while traveling...
The City of Fall River is announcing an Open House Design Charrette at Fall River Government Center. The public is invited to stop in at any...
Two local runners began their mission this morning to help end veteran suicide. Josh Milich, of Somerset, who is enlisted in the United States Coast Guard,...
On a day many runners had to quit as it was cold and wet with many downpours, Dennis Medeiros, who has MS, kept pushing and didn’t...
As has been speculated for a few weeks now, Joe Kennedy III is mulling a possible Senate run. Today he issued a statement on that possible...
Fall River may not be having the formal powerboat races this summer, but that isn’t stopping them from arriving from all over the country for a...
It’s official – Fall River will have a recall election. Yesterday, the Fall River City Council officially set March 12, 2019 as the election date. Want...
A 20-year-old Taunton woman was sentenced to serve up to four years in state prison, after pleading guilty last week to a fatal hit and run...