Somerset lunch and recess monitor commended after actions avoids student tragedy
For the third time in as many months, a local public-school employee went into action using life-saving measures on a student.
In a social media post, the Somerset Public Schools district commended North Elementary lunch and recess monitor Joan Plummer for her recent actions that potentially avoided a tragedy when a student was choking at lunch.
On Friday, Plummer was alerted by a student that another student was in distress. Plummer realized that the student was choking and responded quickly and appropriately, according to the school.
Plummer has received previous training in basic lifesaving skills including choking safety and she applied her skills to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on the student to clear the obstruction.
The school reported that the student was well immediately after the incident.
In December, a local teacher’s aide was recognized for saving the life of a student.
In November, a local custodian was recognized by officials for saving the life of a student
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