Senator Ed Markey renews call for direct monthly cash payments to Americans during COVID-19 pandemic

Senator Ed Markey continued his urging Sunday for Americans to receive more relief during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a tweet this afternoon, Markey made clear that Americans should acquire monthly stimulus checks while the country fights the coronavirus.
“In the 7 months since this pandemic began, Americans have received a single payment of $1200. Every day that passes where we fail to provide direct, recurring cash payments is another day that more and more families struggle to make rent and put food on the table.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” that she and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have to agree on a new stimulus package within 48 hours if the bill is to pass before Election Day.
Mortis Maximus
October 19, 2020 at 8:45 pm
In a tweet markey calls for payments too Americans! In a tweet! Get serious people, maybe he should communicate with his colleagues. Do nothing reps enriching themselves while ACTING like they give a damn about us, pure foolishness.