
S.P.A.M.: State Troopers informed Friday that they need to be vaccinated or face termination despite medical issues



Massachusetts State Police Troopers that are not vaccinated have begun receiving letters from the Baker Administration.

According to a press release from Mike Cherven, President of the State Police Association of Massachusetts, at least a dozen Massachusetts State Troopers were informed Friday that they would need to be vaccinated or face termination. Some notices reportedly conceded that the trooper had submitted sufficient medical documentation to demonstrate reasonable accommodations were necessary, but the request was still denied.

“Governor Baker’s Administration admits that some members have a legitimate, medically necessary reason for not receiving a vaccination,” said Cherven. “Instead of offering the same reasonable accommodations that municipalities and states across the country are offering, Governor Baker is showing these decorated veterans the door. This is outrageous.”

“Over 85% of Troopers have been vaccinated, while others have been denied the reasonable accommodations of wearing a mask and weekly testing. Whoever is making these decisions would rather usher out centuries worth of experience in order to implement his mandate while knowing that his decisions are exacerbating an already critical shortage of State Troopers,” added Cherven.

One such example stated by Cherven was Sgt. Stephen Candito. Sgt. Candito is a 17-year veteran of the Massachusetts State Police and currently serves on the Gang Unit. On Friday night, “Sgt. Candito was informed that his medical waiver had been denied even though he had shown sufficient evidence that receiving the vaccine would be detrimental to his health.”

According to Cherven, in 1998, Sgt. Candito was serving in the Air Force and received a vaccination that caused a severe reaction resulting in Bell’s Palsy. Since then, he has a well-documented history of vaccine waivers from some of the most prestigious hospitals in the world. This includes Walter Reed Medical Center.

During Sgt. Candito’s initial waiver interview, he was informed by his supervisors that his was a clear case of a necessary medical waiver and that he had preliminary approval that would require mask wearing and weekly testing. Cherven said that on Friday night at 8:30 p.m., Sgt. Candito received an email notifying him that without a vaccination he would face discipline up to and including termination.

President Cherven added, “These willful attacks on public safety personnel and the continued rushed planning around the COVID-19 pandemic is putting lives at risk.”

The State Police Association of Massachusetts said that they support vaccinations.

“President Cherven and the entire executive board are vaccinated. At issue is the Governor’s failure to properly allow for any reasonable accommodations other than termination.”

1 Comment

  1. david

    October 24, 2021 at 11:25 pm

    Charlie Baker is a weak, sleazy, inept Governor. Medical Procedures should NEVER be mandated.
    1.2 million illegals have invaded th Nation in the last 10 months and not one has been mandated to receive an injection

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