
Rally held Friday for inmates at Bristol County House of Corrections



Photo courtesy of Bristol County Sheriff's Department

A group protested Friday in response to what they feel are unfair treatment of prisoners at the Bristol County House of Corrections in Dartmouth.

The group, under the name Bristol County for Correctional Justice, protested near the facility at approximately 6:00 p.m.

250 people inside the Bristol County House of Correction recently went on a hunger strike along with 60 ICE detainees to protest conditions in the jail.

BCCJ protested in response to what they feel are inadequate food, medical/mental health care, unbearable heat, overcrowding, filth, overpriced canteen items, price-gouging on phone service, and a lack of transparency in Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson’s handling of funds.

BCCJ have asked the Attorney General to take action and conduct an investigation of Hodgson’s practices toward those in his custody.

The Bristol County Sheriff’s Department issued a statement on their social media page along with the picture above: “Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the social justice advocacy groups who are constantly attacking Sheriff Hodgson and the BCSO staff. They were protesting near the jail on Friday, calling for the release of all inmates and for the elimination of law enforcement. Next time you read their propaganda in the media, remember what their goals are.”

1 Comment

  1. NascarF1

    July 28, 2018 at 3:16 pm

    So let’s get this straight. The criminals are bitchin about room, board, meals, medical and social activities. How many legal law abiding citizens that may be down on their luck or would love 1 or more of these services afforded to them. Not to mention that tax payers would love to cut back on these afforded amenities to cut their costs. As far as the “ICE” residents. Lets see how the amenities from there former residents fair against this utopia. They wouldn’t be here if there former residents was heaven.

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