
Purple Bag Amnesty Program Announced

Pursuant to a City Council resolution introduced by City Counselor Pam Laliberte-Lebeau, Mayor Jasiel F. Correia is pleased to announce a holiday purple bag amnesty program



Pursuant to a City Council resolution introduced by City Counselor Pam Laliberte-Lebeau, Mayor Jasiel F. Correia is pleased to announce a holiday purple bag amnesty program. Between December 26 and December 30, inclusive, a reprieve of the pay-as-you-throw program will be instituted. No fines will be levied against those who do not use purple bags to dispose of trash during that time period.

Mayor Correia said, “We recognize that people have not only additional expenses during the holidays, but also generate more trash than usual. We appreciate and thank everyone who has complied with the purple bag program. We’re happy to give residents a break during the holidays.”


  1. DaKidd

    December 4, 2017 at 9:35 pm

    It’s Funny that they can do that for a week ,just shows that this Purple Bag Shit is just another way to screw the tax payers of Fall River over ,if it can be done for that week why not all yr. long ???????????? SMH

  2. Rob

    December 4, 2017 at 10:38 pm

    1 week and a whole year is a big difference! Dakidd. I just wish the bags didnt tear down the seam and strings break so easy.

  3. Ann

    December 5, 2017 at 10:12 am

    Mayor you need to ride around Fall River there are maybe a handful of people using purple bags? And as far as recycle it’s discussing what people put in it garbage ect.You need to get on top of this trash issue fast ?? You are not giving anyone a break ??

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