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Police increasing patrols for Memorial Day weekend



Colonel James M. Manni, Superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police and Director of the Department of Public Safety, announces that additional troopers will be on patrol throughout the Memorial Day holiday weekend to strictly enforce all motor vehicle laws – especially those involving driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Memorial Day weekend traditionally is one of the deadliest holiday periods on our nation’s highways. In fact, the National Safety Council predicts that 38 people will die in motor vehicle crashes this coming weekend and that another 43,800 will be seriously injured. Those predictions are based on a statistical average of fatalities and injuries over the past 22 years.

Colonel Manni notes that Rhode Island has been fortunate not to have had any traffic fatalities over the Memorial Day weekend for the past two years, which he said is a trend he hopes to continue this weekend.

“The Rhode Island State Police will do our part to keep our roadways safe,” Colonel Manni said. “We will have additional troopers on patrol throughout the holiday weekend to strictly enforce all motor vehicle laws – especially those involving driving while intoxicated by alcohol – or operating a motor vehicle in a dangerous manner that puts themselves and others at risk.”

Motorists need to do their part, too, Colonel Manni said. He offered these reminders:

Buckle up – make sure you and your passengers are buckled up. It’s the single best way to protect yourself if you are involved in a crash.

Avoid distractions – it is illegal to text and drive, and it is illegal to use a hand-held cell phone in Rhode Island. Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.

Don’t drink and drive – and don’t let anyone else drink and drive either. Take their keys. Make sure everyone has a safe, sober ride home.

Watch out – be alert for impaired and distracted drivers, as well as motorcycles, bicyclists and pedestrians who will also be sharing the roads.

Call 911 – anytime you see someone driving in an unsafe manner, call 911 and let us know. We can’t be everywhere. But with your help, we can get unsafe drivers off our roads.

“Working together, we hope everyone can enjoy a safe, happy and memorable Memorial Day weekend,” Colonel Manni said.

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