Police, Fire, Animal Control combine to rescue dog stuck in car seat mechanism

Police, Fire, and Animal Control made a not-your-average rescue today.
According to Fairhaven Police, a 10-year-old poodle named Casper found himself in quite the predicament this morning.
Casper was able to maneuver himself under the seat of his owner’s vehicle and got stuck within the seat motion mechanism.
With the help of Lieutenant Josh Benoit of the Fairhaven Fire Department, Dr. Nicholas Dagenais of New England Animal Hospital, and the quick thinking of Fairhaven Police Officer Laurie Cannon, Sergeant Matthew Botelho, and Captain Michael Botelho, and Fairhaven Animal Control Officer Evan DeSousa, Casper was untangled.
Police say that Casper suffered minor injuries in the incident.
Jake Perry
January 26, 2022 at 3:02 pm
That’s why they make pet carriers.