
Plymouth man accused of causing tens of thousands in damage to church, “Pride” and “Black Lives Matter” flags



A Massachusetts man is facing charges after damage to a church and flags on Thursday morning.

According to Detective Lieutenant Michael Skowyra, during the early morning hours, the Kingston Police Department responded to reports of malicious damage to the First Parish Unitarian Church (223 Main St). An investigation ensued.

It is alleged that an individual illegally entered the First Parish Unitarian Church overnight as well as did significant damage to the building, ripping off and destroying handmade 200-year-old shutters, smashing antique glass, spraying a fire extinguisher throughout the building, etc. Additionally, the individual is believed to have set fire to flags which were outside the building and charred pieces of the building in the process as well. The flags which were ripped and destroyed were “Pride” and “Black Lives Matter” flags.

Overall damage estimates have not been tallied at this point, but initial estimates are in the tens of thousands.

During the investigation, a suspect was developed and as the scene was processed, police began to look into additional information about the suspect. Around that time, 43-year-old Jonathan White of Plymouth was found to return to the scene and appearing to be watching officers process the scene (common for arsonists).

A Kingston PD Detective noticed White to be the suspect and attempted to stop him. He yelled at the detective, took off in his vehicle, turned around, struck a sign, and fled. A Kingston PD Patrolman was able to find the suspect vehicle as he fled and stop him shortly down the road.

The investigation revealed various connections to White and his alleged presence at the scene overnight.

Multiple pieces of evidence were gathered and are being processed.

White was arrested and is facing several felony charges relative to the damage and
burning of the church. He will be arraigned at Plymouth District Court.

Police are asking those in the 200-250 block of Main Street, or the side streets that connect to this area, review their home surveillance cameras from approximately midnight until 6:30AM this morning. Residents are asked to look for footage consistent with a white 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe which has a spotlight outside of the driver’s door (similar to a police cruiser light). Additionally, any other suspicious activity would be of interest.

Kingston Fire, Plymouth County BCI, State Fire Marshal’s Office, MSP Crime Scene Services, MSP Bomb Squad, MSP Hate Crimes Unit and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) assisted in the investigation and is still ongoing.

The potential for hate crime charges is being reviewed.

Contact Detective Lieutenant Michael Skowyra with any information at or 781-585-0523 ext. 6662


  1. MortisMaximus

    July 4, 2024 at 8:03 pm

    Probably was abused as a child and never resolved his anger issue. Slap him on the wrist with restitution and mental health therapy.

  2. Barrack Warren

    July 4, 2024 at 8:20 pm

    This person is the typical supporter of Drumph. White, uneducated, and pretending to be cisgender and repressing his urges.

    Our schools need to be better funded to provide diversity and multicultural education to better educate young people so they don’t end up misguided like this poor soul.

    • Margaret Legler

      July 5, 2024 at 1:29 am

      Before they turn him loose I would have him evaluated by
      mental health. They can evaluate him for potential to set more fires. They could also see what his daily circumstances are and help him to connect with the right people.

    • Dr. David

      July 5, 2024 at 3:26 pm

      The inbred, Low IQ savages that make up the corrupt Biden Base may not be able to steal another election because of the Racist-in-Chief Joe Biden’s dementia now on full display … the Low IQ Race-Hustler and California political prostitute … Carmela Harris is so Low IQ and so incompetent and so non-credible as a ‘black woman’ … just as race appropriators Elizabeth Warren and Barry Hussain Obama were not credible as an American Indian and as a Black Man .. ironically, the racist democrats will have to turn to a WHITE MAN … the nasty leftist/Marxist Gavin Newsome to save the democrat presidential reelection effort. White men invented everything from electricity and airplanes to cancer drugs and smart phones ….so as vile as Gavin Newsome is … it is typical for a White Male to be the solution to the problem

      • Chuck

        July 5, 2024 at 8:27 pm

        Mr. David, just move to Russia and take Trump with you. Not pleased with Biden, but I love living in a democracy. I served in the military and would fight to protect our freedoms. It’s my guess that you never served in the military and just post stupid (uneducated) to get your kicks. Try aiming a bit higher.

        • Dr. David

          July 5, 2024 at 10:09 pm

          My posts are not ‘uneducated’ (you used the wrong context) but truthful …and what has ‘Russia and Trump’ have to do with my searing analysis ?
          It seems that you are, in fact, pleased with Biden’s corrupt, anti-white racist, and destructive, leftist, sovereignty-destroying policies.

          However, do not fear.. I believe the leftist demon-rats will be able to ballot-harvest another presidential election and finish the USA off for good. The Right has an idol .. Trump … but an Idol can never overcome a Movement … the Left has a deep-seated ingrained movement built over decades in all levels of government … down to the local elementary school being able to Tranny your 7 year old without any opposition.
          The Leftist movement is strong and durable because the Left takes their religion seriously and leftism is certainly a religion. We just got done with Pride Month also known as the ‘American Ramadan’ … violate any of the LBGTZQ sacraments in this Nation and you will see the swift and certain action of the Religious Police. Just like in Iran and Pakistan.
          The Right never took social policies as their religion and failed to take their real religion seriously … however, something always fills the void when the real God is mocked and ignored .. so the USA is a Post Christian Pagan Nation led by the Pagan-in-Chief Joe Biden and the USA deserves the leadership it is getting and will continue to get.

    • Ashley

      July 5, 2024 at 8:31 pm

      You obviously support pedo Joe

  3. Fed Up

    July 5, 2024 at 7:39 am

    A hate crime??? against whom? The sacred BLM and Pride flags? Remember the time then AG Healey endorsed the BLM riots around the country Pepperidge Farm remembers. Any crimes against the holy BLM and Pride flags will be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted , BLM Riots not so much. Same with so called protests at Harvard and MIT calling for the intifada and death to Jews. This admin sat back and did zero , they’re awfully select in what a ” hate crime ” is.

    ” America is burning. But that’s how forests grow. “

      • Fed Up

        July 5, 2024 at 1:54 pm

        Did you see the disclaimer ‘ not so much ‘ ? Sure some BLM rioters were charged the vast majority were NOT and recall the democrats were fund raising for their bail? . The states allowed it to happen and our Governor endorsed it. And how many of the protestors at Harvard and MIT were charged hate crimes calling for the death of Jews? None. We live in a two tier justice system. I agree this is a crime and should be prosecuted but I’m still failing to see the hate crime

    • Ahsley

      July 5, 2024 at 8:33 pm

      I agree 100 % hate crime against who???

    • Diane

      July 5, 2024 at 9:02 pm

      Against whom? Did you read the article. A hate crime doesn’t have to be racial. A crime motivated by prejudice against a religion is a hate crime. The man broke into and vandalized a church. It would be odd if it were not investigated as a possible hate crime. While you might not like that they had a BLM flag hopefully you also love this country and our constitutional right to free speech and don’t think the church exercising their free speech is license to come in and do thousands of dollars of damage. Also- may I suggest you use your name instead of a made up moniker if you want to actually engage in conversation with others.

      • Fed Up

        July 6, 2024 at 8:06 am

        Who is the victim of this alleged hate crime? The Church? And I 100% believe in free speech and if burning the American flag is an act of freedom of speech so is burning the pride flag and the BLM flag. If this guy broke in a church and burned an American flag they wouldn’t be floating around the idea of a hate crime. However this state worships at the alter of identity politics and anyone who goes against the orthodoxy will be dealt with accordingly. No hate crime charges for any of the Hamas sympathizers at Harvard and MIT calling for the intifada and death to Jews. It’s the hypocrisy I’m pointing out. Massachusetts has a two-tiered justice system. And I could make up a name but what’s the difference?

  4. Margaret J. Thayer

    July 5, 2024 at 1:48 pm

    People like this embarrass the hell out of me and should be in jail. He does not represent Massachusetts and will probably get probation. Just as police do not shoot MOST mass shooters because they are WHITE MALES! Who runs this country; WHITE MALES and all my cringing and disgust doesn’t mean a thing, I’m a WHITE FEMALE…

    • MortisMaximus

      July 5, 2024 at 5:50 pm

      You my friend are a racist!

  5. VisitorA

    July 5, 2024 at 8:23 pm

    Comments should be turned off. How embarrassing.

    • Fed Up

      July 6, 2024 at 11:02 am

      Dear leader approves of this message. Your social credit score will be going up.

  6. MortisMaximus

    July 6, 2024 at 6:01 pm

    Dr. David is Emmanuel Goldstein!

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