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Organization looking to place student in Fall River or Westport home



Image is of past student

Pan Atlantic Foundation has a 16 year old high school exchange student from Cancun, Mexico who wants to come live with a family in Fall River or Westport. She has a spot at B.M.C. Durfee and Westport depending on where she ends up according to the non profit.

Daniela has a 3.8 GPA and speaks great English! She is easy going and gets along with everyone. Daniela likes cheerleading, cooking, ice skating and swimming.

Hosting is volunteer and host families provide meals and a bed. Student can share a room with same gender host sibling within 4 years. Host families can have any aged children, no children, be empty-nesters, or single.

Daniela will arrive in August and stay through the school year. If one year is too long, PAF would appreciate a welcome family for her for 6 weeks or you can split the year with another family.

Daniela writes: “thank you for letting me be a part of your options. I am so excited to have this experience. I think this will help me to grow as a person. I would love to live this experience with you.”

According to PAF, there is a local representative that will work with the student and host family.

For more information go to

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