Ordering packages? Here are some tips to avoid being a porch pirate victim

It’s finally here! You’ve ordered the perfect holiday gift online and have been excitedly waiting for it to arrive. You received notice that it has been delivered. The excitement mounts as you pull in your driveway, but the package isn’t there? Where did it go? Who would steal your mail? A Porch Pirate, that’s who!
Porch Pirate is the term dubbed to those who choose to steal unattended packages off of doorsteps. With the holiday season upon us, it is likely that you or your neighbors will have packages delivered to your home.
With the height of Porch Pirate season upon us, hear are the following tips to help prevent a Porch Pirate from stealing your mail:
• Track your package
• Require a signature
• Install security cameras and a video doorbell- The mere presence of security cameras on and around your residence will discourage Porch Pirates from stealing your packages. Cameras will capture images of the Porch Pirates and may be helpful in aiding in the identification and possible prosecution of the thieves.
• Post warning signs- Posting signs in visible locations that state your property is under 24/7 video surveillance can also be a deterrent.
• Consider sending packages to a secure location – Consider sending packages to a secure location such as a trusted neighbor or friend that will be home during the day to sign for the package, or to your local Post Office. Another option is in-store pickup.
• Install motion activated lights – Although package theft can occur at anytime of the day or night, Porch Pirates who work in the dark want to stay concealed and may be scared away by a light that turns on.
• Let a trusted neighbor know that you have packages being delivered and ask them to keep an eye out for the package and move it indoors once it arrives.
• Report suspicious activity to the police. If you see something, say something.
Information courtesy of the Angels Camp Police Department
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