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Officer injured in apprehension of Wareham teen accused of terroristic threats



A local man was arrested Wednesday morning concerning terrorist threats.

According to Wareham Police, at about 8:15 a.m., Detectives and Patrol Officers served a search warrant at 39 Onset Avenue. The raid was conducted as part of an investigation by detectives into an individual suspected of calling in terroristic threats to several business locations in Wareham. These incidents occurred over the summer, and as part of their investigation, obtained a search warrant for the home, and an arrest warrant for Domenic Albanese, 18, of 39 Onset Avenue.

Armed with the warrant, officers went to the home and knocked and announced their presence, but nobody answered. Officers then attempted to open a door, but found it to be barricaded. A second door was broken down, and officers located Albanese inside and placed him under arrest. During the process of breaching one of the doors, a detective was injured by a piece of wood that became imbedded in his arm. He was later treated and released from Tobey Hospital. Albanese was transported to the police station where he was booked and then taken to Wareham District Court. He is being held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing on October 15, 2018.

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