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Newsweek: Charlton Memorial, St. Luke’s, Tobey world’s best for 3rd straight year



FALL RIVER, NEW BEDFORD, and WAREHAM, Mass. – For the third consecutive year, Newsweek has named Charlton Memorial, St. Luke’s and Tobey to its list of the World’s Best Hospitals, Southcoast Health announced today.

Newsweek and global data research firm Statista Inc. considered hospitals from 25 countries across Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania to rank the top 2,000 on their 2021 World’s Best Hospitals list. Hospitals were evaluated based on quality scores drawing on key performance indicators from a variety of public sources, results from patient surveys and analysis from medical experts, according to Newsweek.

This year, just 334 hospitals from the United States earned a spot on the World’s Best list. Of this group, only 11 hospitals from Massachusetts and one from Rhode Island were recognized. Southcoast was one of three non-academic hospitals from Massachusetts to make the list and ranked 197th in the country. For more on the World’s Best Hospitals methodology, visit Best Hospitals-2021..

“I am humbled to work alongside you, the amazing professionals – clinical, administrative, support services and others – who time and again earn Southcoast such well-deserved accolades and honors. Thank you for your tireless work, and for always keeping the highest standard of excellence at the forefront of all you do,” wrote Southcoast Health President & CEO Keith Hovan in a letter to employees during National Hospital Week.

“This past year has brought about unprecedented challenges amid the pandemic. I am so grateful and impressed by how we, as a Southcoast family, stepped up outside of our typical roles and helped wherever possible. Despite individual fears, we came together, caring for each other and continuing to put our patients first. These selfless actions represented the true definition of teamwork and showed firsthand that the people of this organization are what makes it so strong.”

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