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Massachusetts State Police search for 4-year-old boy that has disappeared



Massachusetts State Police continue the search for a missing boy.

According to Dave Procopio of Massachusetts State Police, the boy missing from Castle Island is Mohamed Abou Fofana, 4, of South Boston. The ongoing investigation into his disappearance indicates the following:

Mohamed was playing at a park Sunday evening at Castle Island on the South Boston coastline. An adult family member was with him.

Massachusetts State Police: Missing Massachusetts 4-year-old found dead

Shortly after 7:00 p.m., the adult relative lost sight of Mohamed, and upon looking for him, could not find him. At approximately 7:30 p.m., the adult relative called 911 and was connected to the State Police-South Boston Barracks and reported that the boy was missing.

Massachusetts State Police patrols responded and conducted a sweep of the area with negative results. Multiple agencies and units responded to assist in the search by land, air, and water, including the MSP Marine Unit, Dive Team, and Air Wing; Boston Police; Boston Fire; Massachusetts Environmental Police; Boston EMS; and the US Coast Guard. Additionally, Troopers from the State Police Detective Unit for Suffolk County responded to continue the missing child investigation.

Fofana was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans, and blue footwear.

Police assets remain on scene overnight; the active search resumed this morning.

Anyone who sees Mohamed or has information about him should call 911 immediately.

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