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Massachusetts State Police divers find two deceased and submerged in vehicle



Massachusetts State Police divers, assisted by a Boston Fire Department diver, today located and recovered a vehicle with two occupants from the Reserved Channel leading to the harbor in the Boston Seaport. The recovery of the vehicle and the victims, both deceased, was a development in a still ongoing investigation.

According to Dave Procopio of Massachusetts State Police, the victims are a male and a female, both believed to be young adults. Official identifications are pending, but State Police detectives have information suggestive of their identities. The victims’ suspected identities will not be released at this time.

At approximately 12:30 p.m. as part of an ongoing investigation, members of Massachusetts State Police Troop F responded to Black Falcon Avenue, between the Black Falcon Terminal and 88 Black Falcon Avenue in Boston, after developing information that a sport utility vehicle went into the water at that location earlier this week. The Massachusetts State Police Underwater Recovery Unit, the State Police Detective Unit for Suffolk County, Boston Police, Boston Fire, and Massport Police also responded.

A Boston Fire Department diver was the first to dive the area and located the vehicle in about 40 feet of water, approximately 15 feet out from the pier. The BFD diver marked the location, surfaced and notified MSP divers who were arriving on scene. Three MSP divers then dove on the vehicle site and determined there were two deceased victims inside.

MSP divers were able to extricate the female victim and bring her body to shore. The male victim could not be extricated from the vehicle while underwater, so divers hooked tow cables to the entire vehicle and a truck winched it out. The male victim was recovered from the vehicle once it was on land.

The cause and manner of the deaths is subject to the ongoing investigation, according to Procopio.

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