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Massachusetts sees active cases drop by over 24,000 in 33 days, positive test rate remains steady



Massachusetts saw a decrease in cases, active cases, and average positive test rate in Monday’s COVID-19 report.

Massachusetts saw 188 more positive cases announced today, a decrease from Sunday’s report. The 7 day weighted average positive test rate decreased slightly from 0.93% to 0.92%, the lowest since September 25th.

Massachusetts had seen 287 more positive cases announced yesterday which was the lowest since September.

Courtesy of MDPH

The Massachusetts Department of Health statistics show a rise in total confirmed cases to 659,721 with 2 reported dead (2 confirmed, 0 probable) for a total of 17,825 (17,465 confirmed, 360 probable).

The overall amount of tests administered in Massachusetts is now 22,694,904 after 17,102 new molecular tests.

The 7 day average of confirmed COVID-19 deaths increased from 7.6 to 7.9. At the beginning of February, the average death rate was 70+.

Estimated active cases saw a decrease by 500+ to 9.804. In the last 33 days, active cases have decreased by over 24,500.

Hospitalizations have increased in 93 of the last 196 days and saw an increase of 1 to lower the total to 258. Hospitalizations have decreased in 29 of the last 34 days after a period of mainly increases. There were 2,428 in the Bay State on January 4th. Yesterday’s total of 257 active hospitalizations is the lowest since September 28th.

Nursing home cases and cluster information issued on May 20th.

Weekly COVID-19 Public Health Report

According to the May 20th report, Fall River has a 15.8 Average Daily COVID-19 Rate per 100,000 population (Last 14 days) (19.7 last week). New Bedford, who has the highest rate in Bristol County, saw a decrease to 21.9 (was 29.1). Westport saw a decrease to 6.0 (was 11.1), Swansea is at 14.3, a decrease, and was 14.8 last week. Somerset saw a decrease as they sit at 12.7 (was 14.3). Freetown stands at 7.9, a decrease from 9.5. Dartmouth is currently at 4.4, a decrease from last week’s 13.3. Acushnet decreased to 19.1 (was 24.6). Berkley is at 9.4 and was 10.5 last week.

2 Massachusetts communities are still in the red (high risk) which is down from 6 last week. 13 were in the red the week before. Lawrence and New Bedford.

Massachusetts Officials have issued a “vaccine doses administered and shipped” report updated on May 20th.

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