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Massachusetts police department makes birthday surprise for boy who tragically lost father



Photo courtesy of Amesbury Police

A Massachusetts police department made a boy’s day after a recent tragedy.

The Amesbury Police Department surprised a boy on his birthday after recently losing his father. Here is the account given by the boy’s mother.

“I lost my husband 6 weeks ago today in a tragic car accident. We have two young boys, ages 2 & almost 6. As you can imagine it’s been horrific for our family. The Amesbury Police Department (OFFICIAL) called me yesterday and remembered my son’s birthday and even what kind of legos he mentioned he liked. They asked if they could come to our house and give him a few gifts. When they rolled up at his birthday party today, he was beside himself. It was such a beautiful and thoughtful gesture I’ll never forget. I love living in this community.”

The department was happy to help.

“We here at APD were incredibly proud to be part of a young man’s birthday celebration yesterday. Our entire day shift took part and the smile on the birthday boys face said it all.”

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