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Massachusetts officials issue warning after birds test positive for Avian Influenza



BOSTON — The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Division of Animal Health is informing the public that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza has been detected in Barnstable and Essex Counties.

In Barnstable County last month, MDAR and its partner agencies depopulated and disposed of a non-commercial, mixed-species backyard flock (non-poultry). Birds on the affected premise exhibited clinical signs consistent with HPAI and tested positive for the disease.

In Essex County recently, a backyard flock of birds had to be killed due to the virus. The birds were dying suddenly without showing symptoms but tested positive for the virus.

MDAR advises backyard and commercial poultry owners to practice strong biosecurity measures to prevent domestic poultry from having contact with wild birds, their feathers, and droppings. The HPAI virus continues circulating in the wild bird population, particularly in wild waterfowl. Eliminating standing water and preventing domestic birds from having access to ponds, streams, and wetland areas that attract wild waterfowl is critical.

The public is asked to report sick, dead, or dying domestic or wild birds.

HPAI Reporting and Response Information:

Reporting domestic birds: the public should report sick or dead poultry by calling MDAR’s Division of Animal Health at (617) 626-1795 or online at

Reporting wild birds: the public should report observations of any sick, injured, or deceased seabirds. For other species of wild birds, such as songbirds, only report observations of 5 or more birds found at a single location. The public can report observations using this simple webform at

Both wild and domesticated birds can become infected with HPAI. Waterfowl and other aquatic birds may pose the greatest risk to domestic flocks, although raptors, scavengers, and other bird species are susceptible. Birds may be infected with HPAI without showing any clinical signs. Infected birds may die suddenly, have decreased energy, decreased appetite, decreased egg production; soft-shelled or misshapen eggs; swelling of the head, comb, eyelids, wattles, or hocks; nasal discharge, snicking, coughing, or sneezing; uncoordinated gait; or diarrhea.

The public should avoid contact with wild birds or handling any dead birds or birds showing signs of illness.



  1. Antifa, antifascist.

    February 7, 2024 at 2:34 pm

    There goes the price of eggs again! I’m sure the dummies will blame Biden for bird flu and higher prices!

    • Antifa is a Bolshevic bootlicker Psyop.

      February 8, 2024 at 1:39 am

      The problem is actually caused by the Nazi group Antifa. Antifa is known to use chicken blood during their annual satanic, pedophilic fun festivals at the Bohemian Grove Club. During the ceremony called the Cremation of Care, chicken blood is served in a phallic goblet to frenzied Antifashistas who are then induced into violent outbursts against civilized society. These behaviors which are induced by adrenocluckchrome, have been filmed by acclaimed media personality Alex Jones who snuck into Bohemian Grove and filmed the Cremation of care Ceremony. Antifa is basically a violent neo-fascist nebula strain whose goal is to MBGA (Make Bolshevism Great Again). Forget about saving democracy, Antifas actual goal is to bring KFC into a galactic egg nebula and corner the market on soy(lent) green anti gravitational chicken spunk. It is the belief of Antifa elites that the interdimemsional star gate which opened in 1978 during a great blizzard, will allow the Chil FIL A nugget chain to overtake the transmugenic letter God’s and install Donald J Trump as head cashier. This great cataclysmic event is the main reason that a Messianic moron with deluded anti-moral powers has been flooding Fall River Reporter with the evil ideals of the main frame ruler Barry Soetoro. In the end Trump will save the EGG!

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