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Massachusetts officials issue order in response to bird flu cases found in the state



Massachusetts officials have issued an order in response to bird flu being found in the state.

The Massachusetts Director of Animal Health has ordered the cancelation or postponement of all competitions, exhibitions, shows, swaps or other in-person events encouraging the gathering or commingling of domestic fowl or poultry in Massachusetts until further notice.

The notice does not prohibit the movement of domestic fowl or poultry into slaughter channels, including licensed live bird market sales facilities.

The order is issued in response to the detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (“HPAI”) in domestic birds in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The order includes chickens, roosters, capons, hens, turkeys, pigeons, guinea fowl, and ducks and geese other than wild species.

HPAI is a highly contagious disease that affects both domestic and wild birds. This disease is deadly to many species of domestic birds and the spread of HPAI in domestic flocks may lead to interstate and international trade restrictions.

Avian Flu, also known as “bird flu,” is a common influenza strain that can spread from birds to humans through saliva, nasal secretion and feces. Waterbirds including shorebirds and waterfowl, especially dabbling ducks like mallards, are most likely to carry the virus.

While Avian Flu is not common among humans, it is very contagious among birds.

On March 1, 2022, the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa confirmed the presence of HPAI in Massachusetts in a wild bird. Since that time, HPAI has been detected in multiple counties across the Commonwealth in an additional 13 wild birds and one domestic flock.

The gathering of domestic fowl or poultry from different premises to a central location increases the risk of disease spread.

Animal Health Officials from all six New England States are recommending all competitions, exhibitions, shows, swaps or other in-person events encouraging the gathering or commingling of domestic fowl or poultry be postponed until at least July 1, 2022.

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