
Massachusetts Democrats look forward to working with, and possibly for, Biden Administration



Michael P. Norton

Saturday’s news that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had defeated President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in the 2020 election triggered a wave of optimism among elected officials in Boston who on Sunday looked forward to partnering with the incoming administration, amid speculation that some may join Team Biden.

District Attorney Rachael Rollins, Boston City Council President Kim Janey and Rep. Chynah Tyler, chair of the city’s legislative delegation on Beacon Hill, joined Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and more than a dozen other elected officials Sunday on City Hall Plaza to begin turning the page on the Trump administration.

In this year’s elections, Democrats saw their majority in the U.S. House reduced and likely failed to seize control of the U.S. Senate, but their win in the presidential election spawned hope that with a Democrat in the White House they will be able to bridge divisions on key issues in Congress.

Walsh ticked off a list of issues where he believes advancements are possible – climate change, child care, infrastructure, housing, diversity, public transportation, child care, and the coronavirus fight. “The opportunity for progress is greater than it’s been in a long, long, long time,” said Walsh. With elected officials standing behind him, Walsh said Biden “understands what makes Boston strong” and called Harris, who will become the first woman to serve as vice president, a “pathbreaker and a role model.” “We all support them and we will all be in their corner in whatever they need,” Walsh said.

Biden is expected to look to Massachusetts for talent and names like Walsh, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and even Gov. Charlie Baker have surfaced as possibilities. Walsh was asked about speculation he may be tapped. “There’s a lot of speculation about a lot of things. There’s a lot of people being tapped,” Walsh said. “He can’t take everyone from Massachusetts to Washington with him. I think there’s a lot there. I’m just looking forward to working with this administration, as everyone here is.”

1 Comment

  1. Mortis Maximus

    November 8, 2020 at 8:15 pm

    LOL! These people will be able to work with Biden and Kamala in prison. This election is a fraud. Biden and Kamala have declared victory over a bankrupt US INC. NESARA is to be enacted, be ready for all the suprises ahead.

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