
Massachusetts community groups holding march and rally for rent control



Several Massachusetts community groups are looking to bring attention to what they feel is unfair rent practices.

According to the State House News Service, March and rally for rent control, organized by Community Action Agency of Somerville, City Life/ Vida Urbana, Somerville Community Land Trust, and the Bradlee Road Tenant Association will take place Saturday afternoon.

Things get started in Medford Square, before a march to Somerville City Hall, and a rally outside.

“Legislators can pass rent control, add it to the bond bill, and stop greedy vampire corporate landlords from sucking rent from the working class,” organizers said in a media advisory.

There seems to be little appetite in the Legislature for rent control, but supporters of an initiative petition are hoping to force the policy into law through a potential 2024 ballot question.

The “rent stabilization” bills supported by activists haven’t been scheduled for a public hearing on Beacon Hill and are idling before the Housing Committee.


  1. RedPilled

    October 28, 2023 at 12:24 pm

    I wonder how many of these folks actually know how much it costs to own a multi family house. Our property taxes, homeowners insurance, water and sewer, and cost of maintenance and repairs have all skyrocketed some of it because of our local and state politicians. Some landlords have no choice but to charge what they do for rent, but the same politicians will join th cause for rent control now.

    • MortisMaximus

      October 28, 2023 at 4:27 pm

      Mortgage industry is the real problem.

  2. J. Cardoza

    October 28, 2023 at 12:31 pm

    And when the on premise landlord can’t raise the rent to cover expenses we will have another vacant house in foreclosure and several new homeless families

  3. Fed Up

    October 28, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    It’s NONE of the Government’s damn business what landlords charge for rent. None. If the rents to damn high the market will determine this and the landlord will be sitting on an apartment he can’t rent. This state is getting worse and worse with idiotic policies.

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