Man who dedicated decades to city of Fall River to be honored with memorial bench

A man that gave to the Fall River community over several decades in several capacities will soon be honored with a memorial bench.
Back in April, 60-year-old Jeff Silvia passed away at the PAM Specialty Hospital in Bridgewater.
Jeff served the police department as an E911 Telecommunicator and as a dispatcher for police, fire and EMS for 36 years, according to FRPD.
According to an obituary, “Jeff was a coach, president, vice president, treasurer and chief umpire for the Fall River Federal Little League for over forty-five years. He was the Mass District 6 Little League Baseball District Administrator for twenty-one years. Jeff was also involved with the Southeastern Mass Baseball Umpire Association for thirty years past president of the Southeastern Mass Basketball Association and IAABO for thirty-five years, the Whaling City Soccer Officials Association for over thirty years. He also coached and was a referee at the Fall River CYO Basketball league, and a soccer coach at Bishop Connolly High School.”
Jeff was also a member of the Park Board, ran for City Council, and worked for the School Department.
On top of what is listed above, Jeff was a well-respected and well-liked member of the community. He was known as a hard worker with a good sense of humor. What he lacked in stature, he made up for with heart.
According to family, on Friday July 28th at 5:00 p.m., a ceremony will take place at Kennedy Park near the Little League field to dedicate the bench. Everyone is invited.
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