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Man transported by medflight after serious injuries from early morning crash



Photos courtesy of Lakeville Fire Department

A man has been seriously injured in a crash that resulted in the victim having to be medflighted early this morning.

According to the Lakeville Fire Department, the single vehicle crash occurred just south of Crooked Lane just before 1:00 a.m. today. A pickup truck left the road and struck a tree. An alert Main Street resident heard a loud crash and called police about what sounded like an accident. An officer searched the area and discovered the vehicle off the road.

Firefighters responded out with Ambulance 3 and Engine 1, a tone was transmitted for recall of off duty firefighters. Incoming firefighters would respond with Engine 2 and Ambulance 2. The Chief and Deputy Chief responded to the scene.

Upon arrival, firefighters found an adult male driver trapped in the vehicle and went to work with hydraulic tools (aka jaws of life).

The patient’s injuries and the time required for extrication indicated the need for a medical helicopter transport to Rhode Island Hospital. Middleborough Fire Department Engine 3 responded to Ted Williams to cover the landing zone. FS stated that the goal is to minimize arrival time at a level 1 or 2 trauma center.

Once extrication was completed, firefighters transported the patient to Ted Williams Camp by ambulance. The vehicle occupant was flown to Rhode Island Hospital with significant injuries.

Fire Chief O’Brien thanked Lakeville Police for their response and Middleborough Fire for their assistance. The Chief also commended his firefighters for their work at this challenging scene.

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