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Local man involved in Norton road rage stabbing sentenced to prison



A 49-year-old Attleboro man who stabbed another man in Norton last September after a road rage incident was sentenced to serve three to five years in state prison this week in Fall River Superior Court, Bristol County District Attorney Thomas M. Quinn III announced.

According to Gregg Miliote of the Bristol County District Attorney’s Office, Alfred Pond pleaded guilty to an indictment charging him with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon-causing substantial injury.

On September 20, 2018, Norton Police received a 911 call from the 24-year-old victim who reported that he had just been stabbed after a road rage incident. When police arrived on scene, they found the victim suffering from a serious stab wound. The victim was rushed to Rhode Island Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery. Before being transported to the hospital, the victim spoke to police about the incident and gave investigators the license plate number of the other driver.

Police responded to the defendant’s residence in Attleboro and were waiting when he arrived. He was Mirandized and questioned about his involvement. The defendant admitted to stabbing the victim after the road rage encounter, and said he threw the knife out the window. He stated he was in fear of the victim. He later took police to the area where he threw the knife, and it was recovered.

The victim was later interviewed and described the incident, which started in Easton and continued into Norton. Each party blamed the other.

The victim didn’t appear for the plea, but his parents told the court that the victim suffers from PTSD and the idea of coming to court or writing an impact statement was causing him too much stress.

The state prison sentence was imposed by Judge Gregg Pasquale and the case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Stephen Nadeau.

“This is an example of why people should not take matters into their own hands and engage in a road rage confrontation,” District Attorney Quinn said. “The victim is lucky he was not killed. Call the police and keep on driving.”

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