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Local fire departments receive grant money from the state to reduce cancer risk; $920,000 passed out overall



MARLBOROUGH – Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito today announced $920,000 in grant awards to 174 Massachusetts fire departments for gear and equipment that will reduce firefighters’ exposure to cancer-causing chemicals on the job.

“These grants will help local departments purchase critical gear to support firefighters as they put themselves in harm’s way to protect the Commonwealth’s communities,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Helping to protect them from the physical and occupational hazards of the job is a key way we can show our appreciation for the dedicated service of our first responders.”

“Many fire departments across the Commonwealth are all too familiar with the increased risk of occupational cancers faced by fire service personnel,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “These grant awards will support many ongoing cancer prevention initiatives at the local level by reducing the amount of cancer-causing chemicals thousands of firefighters are exposed to in the coming years.”

“On a daily basis, modern firefighters face countless dangers, but we now know that occupational cancers caused by exposure to smoke and other combustion byproducts are as dangerous to them as knocking down fires and conducting rescue operations,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Thomas A. Turco III. “Fire departments across Massachusetts have made significant changes to the way they work to combat these risks in recent years, and these grant programs will help many to move their cancer prevention efforts forward.”

The Baker-Polito Administration has filed a bond bill which would provide $25 million in authorization to continue funding similar grants to allow departments to purchase equipment including turnout gear and washers/extractors.

The Firefighter Turnout Gear Grant program will provide firefighters in 144 departments with new hoods and gloves for structural firefighting activities. These items will reduce exposure to cancer-causing chemicals in the head and hand areas, which are high-risk areas for dangerous chemicals to enter the body. In total, approximately 3,000 hoods and 3,000 pairs of gloves will be purchased with the $500,000 from this program.

“Replacing old and damaged turnout gear is a financial challenge for most every department in the Commonwealth” said State Fire Marshal Peter Ostroskey. “These grant awards will ensure that a significant number of firefighters have access to hoods and gloves that will effectively protect them from exposure to dangerous contaminants, and that is one of the best things we can do for them to reduce the risk of a future cancer diagnosis.”

Through the Washer-Extractor Equipment Grant, $420,000 was awarded to 75 departments that will receive a new washer-extractor to clean their structural firefighting gear after exposure to smoke and other toxic chemicals. Because some of the recipient agencies are purchasing regional-use machines, 84 departments will actually benefit from them. A national standard set by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) on the care and cleaning of structural firefighting gear delineates specific types of machines that should be used to effectively remove cancer-causing chemicals after each fire. All washer-extractors purchased with this grant will meet this standard, and enable personnel to wear clean gear each time they leave the fire station for an emergency.

Forty-five fire departments were successful in applying for both grants.

“Cleaning firefighting gear is not a long-standing tradition in the fire service. Soot and ash-laden gear was once the mark of a seasoned firefighter, but we now know that washing gear after every exposure to smoke is the safest thing to do,” said Needham Fire Chief Dennis Condon, President of the Fire Chiefs’ Association of Massachusetts (FCAM). “The impact on the firefighters and their families in these departments who will now have the ability to wash their gear is truly immense.”

The following fire departments received turnout gear grants:

Acton Fire Department


Acushnet Fire and EMS Department


Agawam Fire Department


Amherst Fire Department


Ashburnham Fire Department


Ashby Fire Department


Ashland Fire Department


Athol Fire Department


Ayer Fire Department


Barre Fire Department


Belchertown Fire Rescue


Berkley Fire Department


Berlin Fire & EMS


Billerica Fire Department


Blandford Fire Rescue


Bolton Fire-EMS


Boxborough Fire Department


Boylston Fire Department


Braintree Fire Department


Bridgewater Fire Department


Brimfield Fire Department


Brookfield Fire Department


Canton Fire Department


Charlemont Fire Department


Chicopee Fire Department


Cohasset Fire Department


Concord Fire Department


Danvers Fire Department


Dartmouth Fire District No. 3


Dighton Fire Department


Dover Fire Department


Dunstable Fire Department


Easthampton Fire Department


Easton Fire Department


Essex Fire Department


Everett Fire Department


Framingham Fire Department


Franklin Fire Department


Freetown Fire Department


Gardner Fire Department


Gill Fire Department


Goshen Fire Department


Greenfield Fire Department


Halifax Fire Department


Hampden Fire Department


Hanover Fire Department


Hanson Fire Department


Hatfield Fire Department


Hingham Fire Department


Holliston Fire Department


Hopedale Fire Department


Hopkinton Fire Department


Hudson Fire Department


Hyannis Fire Department


Ipswich Fire Department


Kingston Fire Department


Lakeville Fire Department


Lee Fire Department


Leicester Fire Department


Lenox Fire Department


Leominster Fire Department


Leverett Fire Department


Lexington Fire Department


Leyden Fire Department


Lincoln Fire Department


Lunenburg Fire Department


Lynn Fire Department


Malden Fire Department


Marion Fire Department


Marlborough Fire Department


Massport Fire-Rescue Department


Maynard Fire Department


Medfield Fire Department


Melrose Fire Department


Mendon Fire Department


Methuen Fire Department


Middleton Fire Department


Millville Fire Department


Nantucket Fire Department


Needham Fire Department


New Salem Fire Department


Newburyport Fire Department


Norfolk Fire Department


North Andover Fire Department


Northborough Fire Department


Northbridge Fire Department


Norton Fire Department


Onset Fire Department


Palmer Fire Department


Peabody Fire Department


Pepperell Fire Department


Plainville Fire Department


Plymouth Fire Department


Plympton Fire Department


Princeton Fire Department


Provincetown Fire Department


Randolph Fire Department


Raynham Fire Department


Reading Fire Department


Revere Fire Department


Rochester Fire Department


Rockport Fire Department


Rowe Fire Department


Rowley Fire Department


Salisbury Fire Department


Sandisfield Fire Department


Shelburne Falls Fire District


Shelburne Fire District


Sherborn Fire Department


Shrewsbury Fire Department


Somerset Fire Department


Somerville Fire Department


Southborough Fire Department


Southwick Fire Department


Spencer Fire Department


Sterling Fire Department


Stockbridge Fire Department


Stoughton Fire Department


Stow Fire Department


Sturbridge Fire Department


Sudbury Fire Department


Taunton Fire Department


Townsend Fire-EMS


Turner’s Falls Fire Department


Upton Fire – EMS Department


Wakefield Fire Department


Wales Fire Department


Walpole Fire Department


Waltham Fire Department


Wayland Fire Department


Webster Fire Department


Wellesley Fire Department


Wendell Fire Department


West Barnstable Fire Department


West Boylston Fire Department


W. Bridgewater Fire Department


Westborough Fire Department


Westminster Fire Department


Weston Fire Department


Westport Fire Department


Westwood Fire Department


Wilbraham Fire Department


Worcester Fire Department


Wrentham Fire Department


The following fire departments received washer-extractor equipment grants:

Acton Fire Department


Amherst Fire Department


Andover Fire Rescue


Ashburnham Fire Department


Athol Fire Department


Belchertown Fire Rescue


Beverly Fire Department


Boxford Fire Department


Braintree Fire Department


Brookfield Fire Department


Burlington Fire Department


Carlisle Fire Department


Carver Fire Department


Charlemont Fire Department


Chelmsford Fire Department


Chicopee Fire Department


Clarksburg Vol. Fire Company


Clinton Fire Department


Devens Fire Department


Dighton Fire Department


Dracut Fire Department


Easthampton Fire Department


Easton Fire Department


Fairhaven Fire Department


Gill Fire Department


Gloucester Fire Department


Groveland Fire Department


Hampden Fire Department


Harvard Fire Department


Haverhill Fire Department


Holliston Fire Department


Hopkinton Fire Department


Huntington Fire Department


Lawrence Fire Department


Lenox Fire Department


Leominster Fire Department


Leverett Fire Department


Marlborough Fire Department


Massport Fire-Rescue Department


Mattapoisett Fire Department


Methuen Fire Department


Middleborough Fire Department


Millbury Fire Department


Millville Fire Department


New Salem Fire Department


Newburyport Fire Department


North Attleboro Fire Department


North Brookfield


Norwell Fire Department


Onset Fire Department


Pepperell Fire Department


Princeton Fire Department


Provincetown Fire Department


Revere Fire Department


Rockland Fire Department


Salisbury Fire Department


Sandisfield Fire Department


Seekonk Fire Department


Shelburne Falls Fire District


Shrewsbury Fire Department


Somerset Fire Department


Southwick Fire Department


Stockbridge Fire Department


Sturbridge Fire Department


Sutton Fire Rescue Department


Topsfield Fire Department


Townsend Fire-EMS


Wayland Fire Department


Wendell Fire Department


West Barnstable Fire Department


West Boylston Fire Department


Weymouth Fire Department


Winchendon Fire Department


Wrentham Fire Department


Westborough Fire Department


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