
Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito: “No I did not host a gathering at my home”



A media outlet this past weekend accused Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito of hosting a party at her home. Today, at the 12:00 p.m. COVID-19 press conference, she responded to the accusation.

Turtleboy Sports reported that Polito held a Memorial Day party at her home in Shrewsbury where, at one point, there were well over a dozen cars.

Polito stated at the briefing that she went to her brother’s home to attended a small graduation party.

“No. I did not host a gathering at my home. My brother, he is one of the parents in our Commonwealth who has two children graduating, one college and one high school.”

Polito stated that her brother invited some family to get together.

“I did stop by, say hello.”

Polito continued to explain.

“It was an outdoor gathering. I was there, spread apart, social distancing, which is allowed under the governor’s order and with the social guidance that we have issued.”

Under the emergency order, gatherings of 10 people or less are permitted.

“I would just say that this is going to happen when people want to get together. As the weather improves it is a natural thing to want to do.”

Polito urged residents to practice social distancing and to keep gatherings small, which she stated is what happened with her brother’s family.

1 Comment

  1. Eric Anthony

    May 26, 2020 at 3:56 pm

    So, here in Massachusetts Planned Parenthood’s abortion/baby parts business is “essential”, Charlie Baker thinks that veterans (like me) fought and died so people could wear masks; his Lt. Governor, Karen Polito, breaks all her own rules (which I guess are only for everybody else) by hosting a huge Memorial Day party at her mansion in Shrewsbury, Stephanie Pollack, Queen of the Golden Toilet, responsible for the RMV motorcycle disaster in NH that killed 7 Marines, is now promoted meritoriously to be on the board that makes all the mickey mouse rules ($300 fine for not wearing those masks we were fighting so hard for in Vietnam!) —- Is this state becoming an alternate universe or what?

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