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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Higher education shines in time of need; encourages community COVID-19 vaccinations



One year ago, our communities came together to meet the needs of the emerging pandemic. We reaffirmed our strong community partnerships with first responders, health care providers and local businesses around one mission – to protect and support our community members through these unprecedented times.

Although we could not predict how long the pandemic would last or the tragic toll it would take on so many lives, we knew there was an urgency around finding answers and developing solutions. Historically, our public universities and colleges have been valuable community resources that come through in times of need. The CONNECT Partnership, consisting of six higher education institutions in Southeastern Massachusetts: Bridgewater State University, Bristol Community College, Cape Cod Community College, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Massasoit Community College, and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth did not disappoint.

Our dedicated faculties and staff have continued to connect students to the services and resources needed to support their goals, in a holistic, collaborative manner, while mitigating any barriers that may hinder success. Student services continued remotely and without interruption. When we moved to hybrid classes, our technology services, facilities and campus police ensured our on-campus safety and preparedness. Our students have had continued access to Chromebook computers, Wi-Fi hot spots and online tutoring.

As soon as the pandemic hit, our institutions stepped up to support our community by taking inventory of our personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies, once used for our on-campus health services programs, and quickly donating them to our local health care providers. Our skilled nursing students served on the frontlines in local hospitals. These dedicated students are assisting their communities while gaining real-life experience in their field.

We must continue to support our region with an urgency to stop the virus. The way to get back to our lives and campuses is by continuing to practice the 3Ws (wash your hands, watch your distance, wear a mask) and by getting vaccinated.

As our family, friends and colleagues are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, we must again step up with the same urgency. We ask that you continue to stand with us to increase vaccine awareness and equity across our region, to help the most vulnerable members of our community access the COVID-19 vaccine when eligible. Massachusetts is reported to have one of the lowest vaccine hesitancy rates in the country although our portion of the state, Bristol County, comparatively has the state’s highest hesitancy rate at 8.68%.

We know that the steps we are taking to prepare for the summer and fall semesters must be flexible. The more people that are vaccinated, the quicker we can return to our on-campus locations and activities. All members of our college community, students, faculty and staff, are strongly encouraged to get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible to protect themselves and others from the effects and spread of the virus. 

A number of our communities have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and it is our mission now, one year later, to continue to usher our students, faculty, staff and community members through this time and get them safely to the other side when we can all be together again.

We know that we can return to our campuses safely, though it takes commitment from everyone to get there, together.

The CONNECT Partnership

The CONNECT Partnership, which includes six colleges and universities – Bridgewater State University, Bristol Community College, Cape Cod Community College, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Massasoit Community College and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth – serves a total of 42,570 students across Southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod and is one of the largest employers in the region.



  1. MortisMaximus

    May 17, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    Yeah, great job. Higher education has produced more socialist marxists than all communists in history combined. Give yourselves a pat on the back when your meat supply happens to be your pets, like your dear friends in Venezuela.

  2. david

    August 17, 2021 at 1:08 am

    ‘Higher Education’ in this country is for the most a High School Annex program; learning what should of studied at the high school level if the high school was instructing at the high school level and not the Middle School level. The entire public school system is essentially a jobs program for teacher union members. For most of higher education it is the same dynamic. Pay us alot of money for some outdated information you could find on youtube for free.
    Also, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine delivery technology, Dr. Robert Malone has publicly stated many times that young adults should NOT be vaccinated against Covid. Dr. Malone stated that the long terms risk of damage caused by the vaccine far outweigh any benefit

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