LETTER: Nobody ever yields at the rotary; something needs to get done

“There’s a rotary on North Main Street in Fall River next to Cumberland Farms and just before the Shaw’s Plaza. If you are in that rotary coming off of Route 24 to go to Shaw’s (old exit 8A), traffic on North Main Street NEVER YIELDS to the cars in the rotary. Complain and nothing gets done. It’s very dangerous and they won’t replace or add signs or paint the pavement saying yield.”
“The rotary has a bent sign and it is hidden from the cars to yield coming down North Main Street so no one understands who is supposed to yield there and then you slam your brakes in the rotary and the person behind you doesn’t expect it because it’s a bend.”
“There are almost multiple accidents daily that I see each time I go there. It really needs to be addressed. When you call they don’t understand what you are saying or they say ok and never go and check the problem.”
David G.
Jake Perry
July 19, 2021 at 6:31 pm
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Stop drinking and driving.
Chuck Thibault
July 21, 2021 at 8:08 pm
This is a common problem at all rotaries be it Fall River, Bourne, Hyannis, Route 18, Route 28 and Route 104 in Bridgewater, it’s the same story with the one at the top of Eastern Ave and President Ave where many times oncoming vehicles entering the rotary from Rte 24 or coming off President Ave will try to race up to beat the other vehicles entering.