
Letter: Cliff Ponte issues tribute to Leo Pelletier as he steps away after 30+ years on Fall River City Council



Photo courtesy of Cliff Ponte Jr.

“The upcoming City Council meeting scheduled for December 12th carries a bittersweet tune as we bid farewell to a cherished friend and a seasoned 36-year veteran of our Council, Leo Pelletier. Saying goodbye feels like parting with the guardian of our council’s collective wisdom!

“Having had the honor of working alongside Councilor Pelletier during my tenure on the City Council, I can attest that Leo is more than a councilor – he’s the living, breathing encyclopedia of our city’s history and progress.

“As we gear up to bid our farewells this week, it’s hard not to marvel at the magnitude of Councilor Pelletier’s contributions. His dedication, steadfast commitment, and knack for turning routine council discussions into moments of levity have etched an unerasable mark on Fall River. Oh, how we’ll miss his unique style and humor in council chambers! Who knew politics could come with a side of entertainment?

“Capturing Councilor Pelletier’s immense contributions to our city in mere words seems an insurmountable task. His dedication, tireless work ethic, and unwavering commitment have made an indelible imprint on all of us.

“Reflecting on Councilor Pelletier’s tenure leaves one in awe of the sheer breadth of his contributions. His 36 years of service brimmed with an unrelenting zeal for progress, relentlessly steering our city towards a better future. His flair and humor will undoubtedly leave a lasting legacy in the annals of Fall River’s history.

“Leo’s time in office was not just about rules and regulations; it was about the people – the very pulse of our city. Whenever there was an issue, Leo pursued it with the tenacity of a determined hound. Honestly, if you needed something done for a constituent, you could count on Leo to persist until it was resolved. That’s how deeply he cared about changing lives.

“What set Councilor Pelletier apart was not just his political finesse (which he had in abundance!) but his humanity. He wasn’t just a councilor; he was a friend you could rely on and the confidant who made our city feel like a comforting embrace.

“Leo, your departure creates a chasm in council chambers and in our hearts. Your legacy will reverberate through Fall River’s history, resonating in the lives you’ve touched, the challenges you’ve confronted, and the people you’ve assisted. Heck, you’ve probably transformed a few potholes into local landmarks during your tenure here!

“Thank you, Councilor Pelletier, for epitomizing dedication and public service. Your absence will be felt deeply. As you embark on this new chapter, may it be as fulfilling as the remarkable legacy you’ve left behind.

“We’ll miss your wisdom, your wit, and your knack for turning even the dreariest of meetings into unforgettable moments.

“With heartfelt appreciation and a sprinkle of humor,”

Cliff Ponte JR

1 Comment

  1. HunterforCityCouncil

    December 9, 2023 at 2:40 pm

    Really scraping the bottom of the barrel when Leo Pelletier is being honored for 30 years of buffoonary at the City Council. At least these politicos don’t eat their young.

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