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Jesse Mermell, who ran for Joe Kennedy seat, becomes living kidney donor



Photo courtesy of Jesse Mermell

A woman who put up a close fight against Jake Auchincloss in the race for Joe Kennedy’s House of Representatives seat last year is giving the gift of life.

Rosina Lucibello who is a Clinical Trial Agreements Associate at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has kidney disease and was in desperate need of a kidney.

Rosina chronicled her search for a kidney donor on Facebook in a personal blog.

In early February, Lucibello had been undergoing urgent dialysis treatments. Toward the end of February, she announced that she had finally found a donor. On Monday, May 17th, her donor was announced ahead of Tuesday’s surgery.

Jesse Mermell.

Jesse issued the following statement.

“(Tuesday) I have the honor of becoming a living kidney donor for Rosina-Maria Lucibello, an incredible woman whose personal strength and dedication to making the world a better place are an inspiration to me and to countless others.”

“In the morning, I’ll be admitted to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Rosina and I will be in adjoining operating rooms, and by the afternoon we will each be recovering on the transplant floor. I will be in the hospital for a few days, and then regaining my strength at home for several weeks.”

“Kidney disease is a debilitating and potentially life-threatening condition, and I feel very privileged to be able to be of service in this way. I ask everyone who is in good health to consider living donations by learning more at Both Rosina and I would be grateful for your prayers and positive energy during our procedures and recovery. The above has been posted with Rosina’s permission.”

Rosina was beyond thankful.

“Tuesday, May 18, 2021, I will have a kidney transplant – my 2nd chance at life – and the most tremendous blessing bestowed upon me by my incredibly courageous, brave and selfless living kidney donor, Jesse Mermell.”

“Jesse, there are no words that could ever express my eternal gratitude to you for giving me this precious gift that will transform my life in a positively deep and profound way.”

“After Tuesday, every breath I take & every precious moment of my life hereafter will all be because of you Jesse Mermell. Your strength & your willingness to help me has inspired me daily to keep going-you are my hero! THANK YOU! I am immensely blessed.

Reports are the surgery went well and Rosina’s new kidney is doing very well.

90,000+ people in the US are waiting for a kidney donation – on the national transplant list for a donor kidney or searching for a living donor match.

Learn more about living kidney donations at

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