
Jasiel Correia’s date to report to prison pushed back again



Photo courtesy of Josh Souza

Former Fall River mayor Jasiel Correia II has been granted another extension.

According to WPRI 12, Correia will now report to prison January 28, 2022 instead of January 10.

Judge Woodlock cited the current COVID-19 surge and Correia’s pending appeal as the reasons for the extension.

The former mayor had previously requested that the Court continue his surrender date for 30 days, to January 3, 2022. An extension to January 10th was granted in November.

Correia had asked for the extension to continue providing assistance to his family’s restaurant through the busy holiday season.

In the Government’s objection back in November, they stated that “to date, Correia has not paid back any of his defrauded investors and friends. To date, Correia has not paid back any of the taxes that he still owes. And to date, Correia has not paid back any of the hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash bribes that he grabbed from marijuana businesses all those years. Instead of repaying any of his debts, Correia asks to remain at liberty to provide what he calls “critical assistance to his family’s small business through the busy holiday season,” but what the Fall River press has more accurately described as “very likely the most expensive restaurant in Fall River.” Unsurprisingly, the only person Correia is prepared to pay is himself.”

Correia’s motion for continued release during his appeal remains pending.


  1. SocialCrusticeCrusader

    January 5, 2022 at 11:13 pm

    Teflon Don!

  2. darcy paton

    January 6, 2022 at 2:36 pm

    No. No. No. No. No. Extension.

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