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Price announced for Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast Museum as property goes on the market



One of, if not the most popular, tourist attraction in the Fall River area has hit the real estate market.

The Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast Museum is up for sale.

Suzanne St. John, of The Seyboth Team at Century 21, is listing the property and happens to be a tour guide at the museum.

St. John is also the listing agent for the Maplecroft property where Lizzie went to live after the trial. That property went on the market back in August.

According to St. John, the property is officially on the market for $2 million. Donald Woods is retiring.

“They have had it over 20 years and it is just time. So bittersweet.”

The Bed and Breakfast Museum at 230 2nd Street is where Andrew and Abby Borden were hacked to death with a hatchet on August 4, 1892.

The house is just as it was back then. The furnishings were retained, the décor duplicated, and the original hardware and doors are still intact. Artifacts from the murder case are displayed in the home while memorabilia from the era line shelves and mantel tops.

If you have interest in the museum, you can contact St. John at (401) 302-4404 or e-mail her at

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Jake Perry

    January 11, 2021 at 8:36 am

    This seems to happen every year.

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