
Hodgson easily most known sheriff in MA, most believe system works different for different people



Photo courtesy of Josh Souza

BOSTON – As campaigns for sheriffs gear up across Massachusetts, fewer than one-in five Massachusetts voters (17%) can correctly name their local sheriff, according to a poll released by the ACLU of Massachusetts. The new data shows that Massachusetts voters currently have limited knowledge of sheriffs: 90% do not know a sheriff’s term is six years—and a significant portion of voters (41%) do not know that sheriffs are elected and accountable only to voters. Only one-third (32%) think sheriffs have a major impact on the criminal justice system in Massachusetts.

The ACLU poll will inform a new statewide voter education campaign, building on the ACLU’s groundbreaking “What a Difference a DA Makes.” Through community events and voter outreach, the new “Know Your Sheriff” campaign seeks to build public awareness of the life-changing decisions that sheriffs make, and how voters can move sheriffs to make communities safer and more just for all.

“It’s time for Massachusetts to get to know our sheriffs,” said Carol Rose, executive director of the ACLU of Massachusetts. “From increasing treatment options for mental health and substance use to rejecting policies that split families apart, these elected officials can set and carry out policies that make our communities safe and just for all. The civil rights and civil liberties of Bay Staters are at stake in these elections.”

According to the poll, voters prioritize providing mental health and drug treatment, education and vocational training, and reentry services over punishing people convicted of crimes. 65% of voters say providing services for mental health, drug treatment, and emotional support should be a top priority for sheriffs who oversee people in jails and houses of correction. 82% of voters indicate that sheriffs should offer substance use rehabilitation services to incarcerated people and believe that this is an important quality in candidates for sheriff. 67% think the system works differently for different people.

While it is clear most in Massachusetts do not know who their sheriff is, in Bristol County, that is not the case with 52% of residents being able to recognize that Tom Hodgson is the county’s sheriff. The next closest county is Franklin at 33% with Suffolk bringing home the rear at a mere 6%.

“Public health is on the ballot this fall,” said Laura Rótolo, field director at the ACLU of Massachusetts. “Sheriffs control conditions inside jails, including medical care and access to addiction and mental health treatment. Sheriffs also decide which education and treatment programs to offer, so that those re-entering their communities are prepared to do so in a positive way.”

The new poll shows a clear opportunity to increase voter engagement in Massachusetts sheriffs’ races: After hearing facts about the everyday impact that sheriffs can have on individual lives and in communities, 71% of voters say they are very likely to vote in the next election for local sheriff, a 26-point increase from the start of the survey (45%).

The survey, conducted by Beacon Research, interviewed 970 Massachusetts registered voters online. Slight weights were applied to ensure the sample accurately reflects the demographic profile of the Massachusetts electorate.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Masson

    April 18, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    Hodgson is only well known because he’s a xenophobic Trumpublican that likes to waste money sending our deputies and correction offices to the border at the counties expense. It’s about time after 20 years that this 70-year-old retire. We now I have a choice to make positive change. Recidivism rates are extremely high in Bristol county.

    Check out candidate Mayor Paul Heroux,

    He’s more than qualified with proven leadership experience.

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