
Governor Healey Administration announces update to prioritization of certain Massachusetts residents at homeless shelters, other changes announced



BOSTON – The Healey-Driscoll administration is announcing changes to its Emergency Assistance prioritization and safety-net sites for families experiencing homelessness. These changes are intended to address the system’s continuing capacity constraints, lower costs, and protect the financial sustainability of the EA system.  

Beginning August 1, 2024, families will be prioritized for placement in EA shelters if they are homeless because of a no-fault eviction or because of sudden or unusual circumstances in Massachusetts beyond their control, such as a flood or fire, or if they have at least one member who is a veteran. Families will continue to be prioritized if they have significant medical needs, newborn children, are at risk of domestic violence, or are homeless because of fire, flood, or other disasters. 

Families who are not prioritized for placement in EA shelters will be eligible to stay at a “temporary respite center” for up to five days. On August 1, the state’s safety-net sites in Chelsea, Lexington, Cambridge and Norfolk will be transitioned to temporary respite centers. Norfolk is the newest of these sites and is nearing capacity. The administration will not be opening additional respite center sites due to operational and financial constraints. 

Families who choose to stay at a temporary respite center will be required to wait six months or more for placement in the state’s emergency family shelter system. They will remain eligible for other diversion services, such as reticketing and the HomeBASE program. Families who have been in temporary respite centers prior to the policy change on August 1 will retain their prioritization for placement into EA shelter, and the state will begin helping them leave these sites according to the date in which they entered. This policy does not apply to United Way shelter sites. 

“We have been saying for months now that the rapid growth of our Emergency Assistance shelter system is not sustainable. Massachusetts is out of shelter space, and we simply cannot afford the current size of this system. Our administration has taken significant action over the past year to make the system more sustainable and help families leave shelter for stable housing. But with Congress continuing to fail to act on immigration reform, we need to make more changes,” said Governor Maura Healey. “That’s why we are making changes to EA prioritization and transitioning our safety-net sites to five-day temporary respite centers. This is in line with the policies of other cities facing similar challenges as Massachusetts and will help give families some relief for a few days while they access the diversion services we can provide, such as reticketing.” 

Last year, Governor Healey declared that a state of emergency exists in Massachusetts due to rapidly rising numbers of immigrant families arriving in Massachusetts in need of shelter and services and a severe lack of shelter availability in the state. In the fall, she announced that the EA system was at capacity at 7,500 families. 

The administration has focused on getting immigrants work authorizations, English classes, and placed into jobs to give them the tools they need to move into stable housing and to meet the workforce needs of our employers. Governor Healey successfully advocated for U.S. Department of Homeland Security to hold a work authorization clinic in Massachusetts and processing times have significantly increased. Since November 2023, the administration has helped nearly 3,800 immigrants apply for work authorizations, the vast majority of which have been approved, and nearly 1,250 have been enrolled in ESOL classes. Across the system, nearly 1,300 EA residents have gotten jobs. 

The administration also expanded the HomeBASE program, which helps cover rent and other costs for families with children under 21 years old or pregnant people and offered mobile vouchers to the approximately 1,200 EA families who were in EA longer than 18 months.  

As a result of these efforts, the number of families leaving the EA system has steadily increased each month, with more than 330 families leaving each month recently. 

The Legislature recently passed a nine-month length of stay requirement in EA shelters, which Governor Healey signed into law and recently implemented. Governor Healey also previously implemented a 30-day recertification requirement at safety-net sites. 

Last month, Governor Healey sent members of her administration to the U.S. Southern Border to meet with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Joint Task Force-North, non-governmental organizations and families to educate them about the lack of shelter availability in Massachusetts. The Governor also recently ended the practice of families overnighting at Logan Airport and increased outreach around the state’s reticketing program, which provides families with transportation to another location where they have friends or family or another option for a safe place to stay. 


  1. Gary

    July 23, 2024 at 6:08 pm

    Would not the State have ample room, in it’s ”Emergency Shelter System”, if we were not for ‘Sheltering Legions’ of DEMS “Open Borders” Folks?

    Why has not the Legacy Massachusetts Media looked up the Intent of the Gov. Dukakis ”Right To Shelter Law”? Does it say in the Intent of the MA Law to Shelter Non USA and Non MA Citizens?
    It’s my understanding the MA Shelter Law was for US Citizens?, and Legal MA Citizens?

    If not the MA Legislature can always amend the Law, but not in “Massghanistan”?
    Plus that would help legions of “Over Burden” MA Taxpayers cannot have that?
    MA ‘State Insp. General’, ‘State Auditor’, have they ever looked at the Original Intent of the Gov. Dukakis ‘Right To Shelter Law’? ZZZZZZZZ?

    • Tracy

      July 25, 2024 at 1:20 pm

      I read through all the commentaries. I agreed with some disagreed with others. Isn’t that what makes America Great! I hope all will show up and cast a vote! That will effect real change. God Bless!

    • Donna Baily

      July 26, 2024 at 11:32 am


  2. Gary

    July 23, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    If the ”DEMS Biden/Harris, Gov. Healey” say the Economy is so Great as they allege why do so many people just cannot afford Housing? Walgreens, Restaurant’s, Small Business, Etc, Closing?

    “Let’s Be Honest: ‘The Economy’ Is NOT Doing Well”

    “Have We Been In Recession For Years?”

    “Auto Insider Warns ‘More Americans Fall Behind On Car Payments’ As Repos ‘Soar’ 23%”

  3. John Landry

    July 23, 2024 at 9:47 pm

    Ur a fuxking joke, WTF, I use to be a Dem. To inbarest to Admit it. Times are changing and we the independent or Republicans will change this Shit Show.

  4. Barrack Warren

    July 23, 2024 at 10:15 pm

    The only prioritization should be for people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and newly arrived-Americans.

    Gov. healy dropped the ball on this one

    • ?

      July 24, 2024 at 7:06 am

      A bit one sided and racist. Always playing victim you are. These groups are the most prioritized set of people ever to exist. Get your head out your ass!

      • Debra Ann Oconnor

        July 25, 2024 at 11:14 am

        There shouldn’t be any type of prioritizing for any group of people. That’s why we have a racial problem.

    • Jason N Horton

      July 24, 2024 at 8:21 pm

      That’s pretty ignorant. What about taking care of our people? Pronouns and sexual orientation shouldn’t matter.

  5. DL

    July 23, 2024 at 10:15 pm

    I think more job opportunities would be a better idea , this way the families and people can be independent, I’m a hard worker and have been experiencing negative feed back from how this state is handling things , with lack of opportunity’s

    Say no to the migrants and ship them home

  6. JB

    July 23, 2024 at 11:12 pm

    Governor Healey I have a suggestion, support shutting down the border, finish building the wall and deportation of people who are here illegally. This mess is going to haunt this country for many years and was totally unnecessary. The worst is probably yet to come because for sure some Terrorists have entered and even this administrations FBI has warned us of that. This is the most incompetent President and Administration in the history of this country and unfortunately the poorest among us will be hurt the most. The drugs alone that are coming across this open border are poisoning our youth in a way and numbers never seen before. This must stop.

    • Stephen iocco

      July 24, 2024 at 10:06 pm

      Democrats have and still focus on helping others. They gave us social security civil rights Medicare protection of our environment including clean water and the wilderness act . Higher minimum wages protected our unions. Today the stock market has doubled since Trump who divided us. More immigrants came in under Trump than Obama. Both parties have to come up with a solution to dealing with illegal immigration as it is becoming unsustainable as seen here in Massachusetts. We are one nation and what happened on January 6th is a disgrace. Donald Trump causes his own problems not Democrats. He increased the Nation’s debt more than any president while giving the rich huge tax breaks. I am a proud Democrat like most of New England residents.

      • MortisMaximus

        July 26, 2024 at 3:45 pm

        You are clearly a brain damaged Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer. Why not go all the way with a narrative instead of spouting delusional falsehoods? Just like the totality of progressive commies you never get past frivolous talking points. America is done with Moronic evil democraps!

  7. ?

    July 24, 2024 at 7:09 am

    What should be written is about what Healey said about the people of Texas how they were handled the overflow of immigrants ( bussing them to other city’s). She did the same shit last week.

  8. Save America legit

    July 24, 2024 at 9:16 am

    We live in a very radical state. I for one need to look to a state with values the same as mine. Taxes are not killing me, and I can put out my “Save America” flag without having to worry about my safety. Vote. Just NOT for the democrat agenda. It’s off the chart radical.

  9. Jason N Horton

    July 24, 2024 at 8:18 pm

    I was homeless with 2 young children for almost 5 years and got absolutely no assistance from the state. Take care of the residents who have been here and dealing with the rising cost of rent before taking in others. Maura continues to ruin the state and puts our residents behind the people seeking asylum.

    • Joyce

      July 24, 2024 at 9:35 pm

      I say take care of our own America citizens first. Period

  10. keith moniz

    July 25, 2024 at 4:41 am

    I’m a disabled homeless vet and been now for almost 4 years!all these programs are smoke and mirrors!8 years i served, have the key to the city of fall river. .first got out city wouldn’t even find me a job. Was in my apartment for 8 years ,landlord sold the house, new young kid bought it and doubled everyone’s rent over night. .then wanted me out so started calling cops making false reports just making my life hell. .so g moved out and been in my car and hotel when have spare money. .

  11. Too Afraid Totell

    July 25, 2024 at 1:25 pm

    Keith, that’s heartbreaking. It’s simply criminal, how Democrats hate Americans, and especially those who served to protect their privileged behinds.

    I vote wholesale R for about 10 years now, but no dice – Massachusetts is blue to the bone 🙁. Will vote Donald again this fall.

    Best of luck, bud.

  12. Huxley Moore Orwell the XIV

    July 25, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    The Ruling Class will always seek powerin every possible way to stay in power to maintain the a lifestyle which they are convinced they so rightly deserve.
    They think the people flooding into MA will them support forever. This is a terribly poor assumption. The newcomers will take care of themselves first … Add the huge financial burden on us here already, the
    destruction due to drugs, disease, despair, economic discrimination, deterioration ofour government and lack of shared
    community values … Enough said …

  13. Huxley Moore Orwell the XIV

    July 25, 2024 at 6:37 pm

    Really… surprise … surprise why …

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