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Governor Baker signs $1.8 Billion bond bill to improve information technology, public safety and food security



Photo from previous signing courtesy of Charlie Baker

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker Friday signed An Act Financing the General Governmental Infrastructure of the Commonwealth, which authorizes up to $1.8 billion in capital funding for key investments in public safety, food security, and information technology. This includes programs to enhance the security of the Commonwealth’s IT assets, improve the delivery of state and local services, and continue responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are pleased to have worked closely with the Legislature to sign this bill into law and continue investing in information technology improvements, public safety upgrades and food security across the Commonwealth,” said Governor Baker. “We are continuing to support critical capital investments that modernize our technology infrastructure and allow us to deliver effective and reliable government services for the people of Massachusetts during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Our Administration is proud to collaborate with our legislative colleagues and continue making important technology infrastructure investments throughout our local communities,” said Lieutenant Governor Polito. “This legislation will allow us to work closely with our municipal partners to make upgrades that improve the delivery of government services and benefit Massachusetts residents.”

“As we adjust to a world transformed by a global pandemic, I am thrilled to see these critical investments in our Commonwealth clear the final hurdle and become law,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “The Senate stands committed to supporting existing programs as well as investing in underserved and underrepresented populations, and this bond authorization includes many of the priorities championed by my colleagues. I am particularly proud to see this legislation includes much-needed supports for our childcare providers and directs funding to bolster economic empowerment in communities of color across our state.”

“Now, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, more than ever, everyone realizes the importance of our information technology infrastructure,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop). “These investments will strengthen the resilience of our state and help provide more equitable access to key services for our residents. I thank Governor Baker, Senate President Spilka, and my colleagues in the Legislature for their work on this important bill.”

According to a release, $660 million in authorizations in the legislation is aimed to support IT infrastructure needs throughout the Commonwealth, strengthening cybersecurity and improving how state agencies serve their constituents. The bill authorizes $90 million for public safety including $10 million to establish a new fire training facility in southeastern Massachusetts.

$346.5 million is authorized for municipal grant programs including $25 million for firefighter safety grants, $10 million for a municipal ADA-accessibility grant program, and $5 million for the Community Compact program.

Baker states the legislation also authorizes $37.3 million in capital funding to ensure food security for residents across the Commonwealth.

Other notable authorizations in the General Governmental Bond Bill include:

-$115 million for library construction grants
-$20 million for a program to enhance fiber-optic connectivity in key municipal buildings
-$375 million for repairs and improvements for facilities across the Commonwealth

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