
Former Fall River mayor Jasiel Correia receives 7th extension on prison report date



Former Fall River mayor Jasiel Correia has seen his prison report date pushed back for a 7th time.

Correia’s attorneys filed for the extension for him to remain free indefinitely while his appeal is heard.

Correia was expected to report to a medium security prison in New Hampshire on Tuesday after being granted 6 extensions.

According to WJAR, Judge Woodlock has pushed the report date back to April 22 due to Correia’s appeal which will likely mean that this will be the last delay. Woodlock denied the request for an indefinite stay.

On the last day he was able to do so, former Fall River mayor Jasiel Correia’s attorneys filed an appeal on his fraud and corruption charges Wednesday citing insufficient evidence and cause for a new trial.

Judge Douglas Woodlock granted Correia an extension on his prison report date to April 5th in March. Woodlock cited that the appeal filing deadline had been extended. Correia was supposed to initially report before the holidays.

After initially being convicted on 21 counts, Correia saw 10 of those charges thrown out by Judge Woodlock as he maintains his innocence.


  1. James Cottrell

    April 4, 2022 at 8:22 pm

    I hope the attorney General examins this.

  2. Manny

    April 5, 2022 at 1:58 am

    Seriously, what the hell is going on here. Any other member of the community would have gone off to prison on the original date. This a$$hole iis out free, laughing in our faces.

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