
Flanagan tops Correia in online recall poll of 2,100 votes



After 31 hours and 2,100 votes on Fall River Reporter’s Facebook page, Will Flanagan topped current Mayor Jasiel Correia 59%-41% when it comes to who would win a future recall election. The poll is open for 5 more days and we’ll provide a final update then. The poll choices were a result of the top finishers in an earlier poll on the Fall River Political Talk group.

The results aren’t too surprising. I wrote an article titled ‘Yes, a recalled mayor could win the Fall River recall election‘ a few days earlier and I believe it would be a close election should Flanagan run.

Of course, we don’t know who is running yet and this is a Facebook poll, not a survey of registered voters. Also, even though the recall effort has turned in a lot of signatures (close to 4,000 by some estimates), we don’t even know if we’ll get 2,510 certified signatures needed for a recall to happen. Finally, there are a lot of variables – Jasiel Correia, though unlikely, could step down, Flanagan may not run and of course, other strong candidates could emerge.

Either way, it appears a recall election is inevitable sometime early next year and a Jasiel Correia/Will Flanagan race would be interesting considering their history.



  1. Concerned Veteran Arnold Cabral

    November 16, 2018 at 1:22 pm

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  2. Arnold Cabral

    November 16, 2018 at 1:28 pm

    Rise and Shine People and Veterans who read this email their Senators or Representative contract the Veteran Affairs Committee passed a new Benefits Law for Disabled Veterans is 100 percent definitely need to have Cosmetic Dentistry Dentist G4 implants for Free even the Private Clinics wants the money upfront because their not work at a Veteran Center and don’t have a contract with the Veteran Affairs Administration because if a Disabled Veterans is 100 percent don’t get the Cosmetic Dentistry Dentist G4 implants it’s definitely caused really bad Health Care also it’s cause really get bad gum disease and it cause Cancer….Thanks for the help and Stay Healthy

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