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Fall River woman who needed vehicle during car boom receives generous donation



Photo courtesy of Good News Garage

A national shortage of both used and new cars is leaving many people stuck without access to reliable transportation. Without this life necessity, daily life is a struggle, from running errands to maintaining steady employment. Thankfully for one Fall River woman, a local nonprofit has helped put her on the road to self-sufficiency.

Maria Echevarria was awarded a life-changing car from the vehicle donation nonprofit Good News Garage. Her used 1994 Toyota Corolla, donated by a generous New Englander, will transport her to a brighter future. Echevarria is one of nearly 5,500 recipients of a vehicle from Good News Garage since the New England-based charity began providing reliable transportation to neighbors in need in 1996.

A national shortage of new and used cars has driven car prices to record highs and left lots with scarce inventory. For low-income individuals and families, this means that purchasing a reliable used car is harder than ever, and for many, is financially out of their reach. Good News says that the need for donated vehicles is at an all-time high.

Good News Garage awards cars to Massachusetts residents through a partnership with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission. Car recipients must be employed or have a written plan for employment and meet other qualifying criteria. This program is administered out of Good News Garage’s Manchester, New Hampshire office.

A lack of reliable transportation is a major barrier preventing people from achieving upward mobility and financial self-sufficiency. This is especially true in rural areas that lack a substantial public transportation network, or one that runs outside of conventional working hours. Good News Garage’s ability to help our neighbors in need is only limited by the number of vehicle donations it receives.

For more information or to donate, visit

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