Fall River Public Library presents storytime and yoga for preschoolers

Children’s book author and yoga instructor Joanie Woodward will be the special guest for Fall River Public Library’s Tuesday morning preschool storytime, April 24 at 10:30 a.m. The event will take place in the Meeting Room of the Main Library, 104 North Main Street.
Joanie will start off the morning by sharing her children’s book, Seven Little Monkeys, a charming read-aloud book based on the yoga technique of deep breathing as a way of calming mind and body. Seven little troublesome monkey-thoughts are rattling around in a child’s head and one by one are settled down by using a yogi’s deep breathing techniques. Following the story, children and caregivers will then learn some of the basic positions and breathing techniques mentioned in her book. This free program is recommended for children ages 3 to 5 and their caregivers.
Joanie Woodward has been practicing yoga since 1970. In 2007 she became certified in “Laughing Yoga” and has given presentations for the National Kids Yoga Conference in Washington, DC. “We are delighted to have Joanie presenting at our library,” commented Supervisor of Children’s Services, David Mello. “She has such a wonderful, fun way of engaging young children while showing them how to stretch, breathe, relax, and focus their thoughts.”
For further information, contact David Mello at 508-324-2700 ext. 4 or visit
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