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Fall River Police respond after ATV/dirt bike riders nearly strike people at city park



Fall River Police responded Sunday after complaints concerning off-road vehicles at a city park.

According to Detective Sergeant Moses Pereira, just after 2:00 p.m., officers responded to a call at Kennedy Park regarding a group of ATV/Dirt Bike riders that were driving recklessly through the park nearly striking people on the sidewalks.

Upon arrival, the dirt bikes and ATVs began to disperse in all directions except for one rider who was unable to get his vehicle started. The operator attempted to prevent his vehicle from being seized, however, ultimately fled the area on foot.

The disabled vehicle was towed from the scene pending further investigation.

No arrests were made, and the matter remains under investigation.



  1. Fed Up Flint

    May 30, 2022 at 9:35 pm

    No arrests were made. Yet all these bikes are allowed to congregate at a garage and barbershop on Pleasant Street between Quarry Street and Eastern Ave.

    Lafayette Park is basically a dirt bike track with the bikes going out into oncoming traffic on Eastern Ave until circling down County and around again.

    I’m waiting for one of the dirt bikers to get hit and killed so we can hear about how they were a “good kid who was just getting his life together”.

    Maybe if the police sitting around at Pizza Time or in the old CHF parking lot should actually do something about it.

  2. Accuano

    May 31, 2022 at 1:34 pm

    The one’s causing problem’s at Kennedy park come right from Kellogg street in Fall River

  3. Rick

    May 31, 2022 at 8:40 pm

    Lets start running them down with are vehicles!

  4. Dave

    May 31, 2022 at 9:49 pm


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