Missing and endangered man from Fall River found Friday

UPDATE: According to Detective John Robinson, Ricardo Dias has been located and is receiving assistance.
Previous story:
A Fall River man is missing and police are concerned because he is endangered.
Ricardo Dias, 50, was last seen wearing: Blue jeans, Harley Davidson beanie, and jacket and operating Mass Reg:. 1LAA15/ Brown 2008 Dodge Charger.
Dias was last seen at work in New Bedford on 12/2/19.
Dias has a history of PTSD and Depression and is currently not taking his medication.
Ricardo is 6 feet tall and 150 pounds.
If located, you can contact the FRPD at 508-676-8511 or Fall River Major Crimes Division Detectives at 508-324-2796 or call anonymously on the TIPS line at 508-672-8477.
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