
Fall River Police investigating incident where two school children were hit in crosswalk



Fall River Police and Fall River Public Schools are reporting two children were hit by a vehicle this morning while walking to school.

Fall River Public Schools have announced that two Talbot students were injured while walking in a crosswalk under the supervision of a crossing guard.

According to Fall River Police, Fall River first responders arrived on scene. One victim was transported to a Rhode Island hospital and the other to a local hospital.

The accident occurred on Eastern Avenue.

Accident Reconstruction and the Crime Scene Unit were both notified and responded.

The accident is currently under investigation and no other details are currently available.


  1. Holly

    January 14, 2019 at 11:53 am

    It’s so dark over there in the morning you can barely see anyone! We need more light so this stuff doesn’t keep happening!! Prayers are with the families, hoping for a speedy recovery.

  2. Grace

    January 15, 2019 at 2:17 pm

    I have lived in that neighborhood for over 20 years and I always see the crossing guards crossing those kids over four lanes on a green light. I personally wouldn’t attempt crossing there on a green light. Wait a minute for the red light and then go. That’s how we were taught when we were kids. It’s a wonder it hasn’t happened sooner. It is really dark over there some mornings and just last week I saw the guard and a couple of kids only after he blew his whistle. Hopefully the kids will have a speedy recovery.

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