UPDATE: Fall River police investigating incident involving student walking home from school

UPDATE: While a police report has yet to be filed in this incident, a second incident is being reported.
Previous story:
The Fall River Police Department is investigating an incident where a student was approached while walking to school.
Fall River mother April Noiseux posted on Facebook about an incident involving her daughter where an older man approached her.
When Fall River Reporter contacted FRPD about the incident, Sergeant J.T. Hoar stated that a 12 year old female reported to police that while walking in the 800 Block of Rock Street, a late model, possibly 2001-2009, green Toyota Corolla pulled along side of her and asked her if she wanted a ride. He was described as an “older male with black hair, grey side burns and a white stubble beard”. The juvenile was unable to recall the license plate.
The juvenile stated that the suspect simply asked her if she wanted a ride and she declined according to Hoar. There was no overt act to pull her into the vehicle or further lure her.
The Fall River Police Department is classifying the incident as suspicious.
Hoar stated that they have not had any other reports of this type of activity involving a green Toyota Corolla.
If anyone has encountered this same suspect and vehicle please contact police at
(508) 676-8511.
The case is still under investigation and currently is being investigated by Officer Derek Pereira of the Uniform Division.
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