
Fall River Police hand check from successful “Tip the Helmet” to Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Wall committee



Pictured from left to right: Linda Pereira, Joseph Marshall, Union Vice President Officer David Lafleur, Union Treasurer Officer Peter Daliz, Police Chief Al Dupere and State Representative Carole Fiola

A successful fundraiser has helped the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Fall River get one step closer to completion.

Wednesday the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Wall committee members Joseph Marshall, President, State Representative Carole Fiola and Linda Pereira were presented with a donation of $3,500.00 from the Tip the Helmet Fundraising event sponsored by Fall River Police Department Patrolmen’s Union and led by Police Union President Michael McConnell, Union Vice President David Lafleur and Union Treasurer Peter Daliz along with Fall River Police Chief Al Dupere. The event took place on Sunday, August 4th at the St. James Irish Pub and was a huge success.

The permanent 80% scale of Washington DC’s Vietnam Memorial Wall with all 58,282 names will be built on Fall River’s waterfront. Proprietary rights, granted by the national organization, encompass all of Massachusetts as well as a 50-mile radius from Fall River. There are only three other permanent replicas throughout the country. Construction is planned to begin in the spring of 2020 and completed by Veteran’s Day 2020. Visit for more information.

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