
Fall River Mayor Coogan introduces aggressive panhandling ordinance as public safety issue



Fall River, MA – While panhandling is protected by the first amendment due to previous court rulings, Mayor Paul Coogan is looking to cut down on aggressive panhandling in the city with a new ordinance.

According to the ordinance, panhandling would be restricted at public transportation including train stations and bus stops. Restrictions would also include vehicles on the street and private property unless permission is given.

Panhandling would also have to take place during daylight hours.

Panhandlers would not be allowed to come within 3 feet of a person they are soliciting, unless the person wants to donate.

Solicitors would also be breaking the ordinance if they lie about why they are collecting money or if they misrepresent themselves.

Harassing, using foul language or following someone they are soliciting would also violate the ordinance.

Violating the ordinance would result in a misdemeanor charge with a $50 fine for the first offense and $100 for remaining offenses.

During Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Councilor Shawn Cadime suggested that if drivers are not allowed to be on their cell phones while driving, that they should not be solicited by panhandlers in which Councilor Michelle Dionne agreed.

The ordinance was referred to committee for discussion.


  1. TJ

    September 12, 2023 at 11:46 pm

    How about add on the fact they hold up traffic by pushing the traffic light walk button disrupting progress of work and other time sensitive tasks.

  2. TJ

    September 13, 2023 at 8:05 am

    I don’t understand the correlation between being on a cellphone and asking for money. That’s a weird statement. Maybe needs more context to wait was said.

  3. Fed Up

    September 13, 2023 at 8:32 am

    Finally. How about the trash they leave everywhere? Drugs addicts on SSI who’ve burned through all their monthly cash on dope , selling their food stamps for dope begging for more money for drugs. Young healthy men scrolling on their Obama phones while smoking cigarettes. Disgusting. The state enables this behavior and people should be ashamed.

  4. Shea

    September 13, 2023 at 12:12 pm

    Not sure where the $ for the fine is expected to come from since the people are homeless. Good idea to try to put something in place to curb the problem but not sure where the $ for a fee is suppose to come from when most are homeless. This needs to be thought through more. I don’t think a fee is the answer.

    • TJ

      September 13, 2023 at 4:16 pm

      Its simple pay the fine or go to jail for breaking the law of trespassing and being disorderly and committing fraudulent practices.

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