Fall River man with extensive criminal history, held without bail in home invasion

A 33-year-old Fall River man with an extensive criminal history was found dangerous and ordered held without bail for at least 180 days in Fall River Superior Court after being indicted on charges connected to a November 2019 home invasion in Fall River, Bristol County District Attorney Thomas M. Quinn III announced.
Felix Cortes was indicted by a Bristol County Grand Jury on charges of Breaking and Entering Daytime Person in Fear, Vandalize Property, Carrying an Illegal Firearm with Three or More Prior Convictions and Carrying a Loaded Firearm. After being arraigned on the indictment, the defendant chose to forego a dangerousness hearing and consented to being held as a danger on July 15th.
On November 7, 2019 at around 9:30 a.m., the defendant and his now 30-year-old co-defendant, Jenna Bean, are alleged to have broken into an apartment on Division Street in Fall River at 9:30 AM by kicking in the door.
The door to the apartment was splintered and cracked, and the drywall from the wall was all over the floor. When the intruders suddenly realized the victim was home, they fled the apartment. The victim told police he saw the two suspects get into a car and take off. Fall River Police later found a vehicle matching the description and apprehended the two suspects. An officer on scene observed a spent shell casing on the floor behind the driver’s seat.
At that point, police applied for and were granted a search warrant for the vehicle. Inside police They located a loaded 9mm pistol loaded with 10 rounds, with a magazine that carries 14 rounds under the front passenger seat, where the defendant was sitting.
Jenna Bean, the co-defendant in the case, disposed of her case in January in Fall River District Court. She received a two year Continuation Without a Finding on charges of breaking and entering and vandalism.
“The defendant has a terrible criminal record and yet is breaking into the victim’s house in broad daylight with a loaded gun in the car. He clearly belongs off the street, and at least he agreed to be held with out bail as a danger to the community,” District Attorney Quinn said.
July 27, 2020 at 10:10 pm
They had no “choice.” Right, enablers?