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Fall River man arrested after pulling bat, gun after accident

Fall River Police arrested a city man after an altercation from an accident became dangerous.



Fall River Police arrested a city man after an altercation from an accident became dangerous.

On Saturday, May 19th at approximately 6:30 p.m., Officers of the Fall River Police Department responded to the intersection of Dwelly and Fenner Streets in regards to a fight.

On arrival, witnesses told Officers Timothy Magan and Neil Rodrigues that there was a motor vehicle crash. After the crash, the driver of the vehicle that was struck, Anthony Dias, 21,  of 73 Emmet Street, exited his vehicle, approached the other operator who was still seated in his vehicle and punched him. The operator, a 37-year-old male, told Officer Magan that he fought back and got the better of Dias. Dias went to his car and retrieved a baseball bat and began to chase the operator while swinging the bat. The victim stated that he threw a punch, striking Dias in the head. Dias ran to his vehicle, this time retrieving a black handgun. The suspect pointed it at the 37-year-old male. A second male exited Dias’ vehicle and persuaded him to put the gun away.

Officers Timothy Magan and Neil Rodrigues were able to locate two BB guns under the driver’s seat and a baseball bat in the rear seat of Dias’ vehicle.

Dias was taken into custody on charges of Disturbing the Peace while Armed, 2 counts of Assault with a Dangerous Weapon, Assault and Battery, and Affray.

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