Fall River Government Center to reopen June 8th with restrictions, entry requirements

Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan’s Office has announced that Government Center will be reopening on June 8th, but with restrictions and entry requirements such as “by appointment only”.
The regulations are as follows:
• Appointment Only
• Appointments from 10:00am to 4:00pm, Monday – Thursday
• Closed to the public on Fridays, Weekends, and Holidays
Essential In-Person Business Only
• Access to Government Center is restricted to essential business that cannot be conducted
• The public is encouraged to continue accessing city services remotely.
• Fall River branches of BayCoast Bank will continue to accept payments for taxes and utilities. Parking fines cannot be paid at BayCoast Bank.
Entry Requirements
• 3rd Street Entrance – Public must use 3rd Street entrance.
• Sign-In Sheet – Public is required to sign in/out for entrance/departure.
• Face Coverings – Face coverings are required and must remain on at all times.
• Hand Sanitizer – Hand sanitizer must be utilized upon entry into building.
• 10 Person Capacity – A maximum of ten visitors will be admitted at any one time.
• 6 Spacing-Six feet spacing will be clearly marked and enforced.
Stay At Home If Sick – Please do NOT attempt to enter Government Center if you have any of the following:
• Close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 2 weeks.
• Currently experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, and/or sore throat.
• Fever (temperature over 100.4 degrees) within the last 48 hours.
• Recently experienced a loss of taste or smell.
• Experienced vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours.
Mikey Morty
June 4, 2020 at 1:48 pm
So much for the People’s Building. This is a total outrage as the people who work in the Hall, will be recreating and socializing with people outside of the Hall in their daily lives. Who and from what will we be protecting, with these ridiculous requirements? Government seems to be going into self preservation
mode and I fear for We The People! PS. Mayor Coogan; PLEASE find another way to fund this impotent Govt. Aka. The Corporation “Fall River” without increased taxes or fees, we are already hanging by threads financially. I Will not sacrafice anymore than I already have. The money I have generated and paid into the system is a larger portion than what I have kept.