
Fall River Diocese marking beginning of Lenten season this week



FALL RIVER — Lent, the forty-day season of prayer, sacrifice, and almsgiving in preparation for the joyous celebration of Easter in the Catholic Church, begins on Ash Wednesday, which this year is February 22.

Parishes throughout the Fall River Diocese will mark the start of Lent with the traditional rite of distribution of ashes.

On Ash Wednesday, ashes -symbolic of penance- are blessed and distributed as a reminder that Lent is a time for repentance and spiritual renewal. Ashes are used to mark on the forehead of the faithful the Sign of the Cross, with the reminder: “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel” or “Remember you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.”

Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., will celebrate the 12 noon Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 327 Second St., Fall River.

The Church calls for days of abstinence and fasting during Lent:

-Abstinence from meat on Ash Wednesday, all Fridays during Lent and Good Friday for those aged 14 and older;
Fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday for those aged 18 through 59. Fasting is defined as eating only one full meatless meal. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one’s needs.

Those who are not obliged to fast or abstain from meat are encouraged to join in those disciplines to the extent that they are able.

Catholics are urged to regard the Lenten season as a time to live with a greater focus on the Christian practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as means for spiritual renewal.

Anyone in need of a parish Ash Wednesday schedule should check the parish bulletin, website, or social media for the times of services.


  1. david

    February 21, 2023 at 10:02 am

    Bishop Da Cunha:
    Could you please counsel baptized Catholic Paul Coogan.. who is a spiritually and morally weak man, as well as an ineffective leader, to abstain (for Lent) from encouraging and hosting mentally ill men dressed as women seeking the company of small children for both sexual titillation and to create an emotional wedge of confusion between the small child and the father of that child that works to further destroy the family unit and thus destroy society and ultimately destroy the nation?

    • 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

      February 22, 2023 at 10:53 am

      You sure do whine about drag queens often you’re so obsessed on something that doesn’t affect you.

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