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Fall River company gets go-ahead to create new facility, 100 jobs



WORCESTER — Today, the Baker-Polito Administration and the Commonwealth’s Economic Assistance Coordinating Council (EACC) approved six projects for participation in the Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP). Approved projects are expected to create 3,703 net new jobs, retain 4,313 jobs throughout Massachusetts and leverage more than $82 million in private investment.

“Our administration continues to work across agencies to support opportunities for residents, from our Workforce Skills Cabinet in preparing residents for job opportunities in high-growth industries, to the Economic Development Incentive Program, which enables employers to relocate or expand in Massachusetts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are committed to leveraging all of our assets to help businesses grow here and create new jobs for residents in every region of the Commonwealth.”

“We are thrilled to support the expansion of companies across Massachusetts, creating a diverse array of new positions in almost every region of the state,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Today’s announcement will directly generate more than 3,500 new jobs, in digital health, manufacturing and e-commerce, and lead to new commercial development, all with outsized benefits for their home communities and the EDIP program continues to be an important tool for our administration to further our shared goals of job creation and economic activity.”

Additionally, the EACC approved tax credits for a Humana’s previously certified expansion project, which will create 225 new jobs, retain nine jobs, and make a private investment of $10,000,000. Today, the board approved $225,000 in tax credits.

“We are thrilled to see growth in a number of high-growth areas, including precision manufacturing, digital health and e-commerce. We’ve worked with our regional workforce development teams to prepare residents for success in exactly these industries,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. “The jobs created and retained by companies awarded today represent a wide range of options in professional function and industry, and reinforce our efforts to spur additional economic growth in key fields.”

“These companies are investing in Massachusetts, by adding jobs and expanding operations across a diverse spectrum of industries,” said Assistant Secretary of Business Development Nam Pham. “We welcome their expansion, as Massachusetts workers, families, businesses and communities all benefit from this economic growth.”

The EACC has approved 210 economic development projects since the beginning of the Baker-Polito Administration in January 2015. These projects will lead to the creation of 16,949 jobs, retention of 34,324 existing jobs, and will leverage over $5.8 billion in private investment. Additionally, the EACC has assisted 93 manufacturing companies and 94 companies in Gateway Cities during this period.


Certified Projects:

Aetna Inc. / Aetna Resources LLC, Wellesley

Aetna is one of the nation’s leading diversified health care benefits companies and offers a broad range of voluntary and consumer-directed health insurance products and related services. The company is locating its Innovation Hub and Consumer Health & Services (CH&S) Division in Wellesley, undertaking an 80,000-square-foot expansion. The company plans to retain 65 full-time jobs, create 250 new jobs and make an investment of $15.8 million. The EACC Board has approved EDIP investment tax credits in the amount of $1.25 million.

Millstone Medical Outsourcing LLC, Fall River

Millstone Medical Outsourcing, LLC has been in business since 2004 and provides the medical device industry with post-manufacturing services including: validation and engineering services, advanced mechanical inspection, ultrasonic cleaning and passivation, clean room packaging, non-sterile packaging and comprehensive warehousing. The company intends to build a 60,000-square-foot inspection facility on land adjacent to its existing location. The company plans to create 100 new jobs, retain 271 existing jobs and make a private investment of $10,720,000. The City of Fall River has approved a 12-year Tax Financing Agreement with a value of approximately $1.945 million. The EACC Board has approved EDIP investment tax credits in the amount of $750,000.

TOG Manufacturing Co., Inc. / Stanley Black & Decker, Inc., North Adams

TOG Manufacturing Company is a world-class manufacturer of precision specialty metal components and was acquired by Stanley Black & Decker in 2018. The company is consolidating current operations in North Adams with operations currently located in South Carolina. An additional 20,000-square-foot expansion is under consideration for the existing 24,900-square-foot facility in North Adams. The company plans to hire 28 new employees, retain 29 employees, and make a private investment of $5,485,000. The Town of North Adams has approved a five-year Tax Financing Agreement with a value of approximately $297,646. The EACC Board has approved EDIP investment tax credits in the amount of $285,000.

Wayfair LLC / SK Retain, Inc., Boston & Pittsfield

Wayfair is an e-commerce retailer headquartered in Boston. After consideration of several states in which to open a new call center, as well as having the need to invest in expanding their physical office space, the company decided to open a new call center in Pittsfield and expand its footprint in Boston. The company plans to hire 3,300 new employees in Massachusetts, retain 3,809 employees, and make a private investment of $33.9 million. The EACC Board has approved EDIP investment tax credits in the amount of $31,350,000.

Local Incentive Only Projects:

Crootof & Sawyer Ventures, LLC, Northbridge

Crootof & Sawyer was formed in 2016 to purchase, renovate and manage a property known as 18 & 28 Granite Street, the former Whitinsville Medical Center of Milford Regional Hospital. They own an existing business, Pawsteps, and plan to relocate to this new location and expand the business by offering doggie day care, pet boarding, and grooming. The company plans to hire 25 new employees, retain 13 employees, and make a private investment of $2.3 million. The Town of Northbridge approved a five-year Special Tax Assessment valued at approximately $65,780.

United Lens Corporation, Southbridge

United Lens Company is a vertically-integrated, custom manufacturer of optical thin film coatings, ground and polished flat optics, and precision machined and molded optical blanks. The company plans to expand their manufacturing floor, improve electric consumption efficiency, and upgrade several lines on their current manufacturing floor to remain competitive in the global marketplace. The company plans to retain 126 full-time employees and make an investment of $14.1 million. The Town of Southbridge has approved a 15-year Tax Financing Agreement with a value of approximately $382,651.

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